about the anthrax party


the lizard queen
Mar 12, 2003
where else - TX
i would LOVE to do this. destroy a city with nothing but anthrax fans. that would be friggin wild. i would say dallas since its more or less centralized for the us folks anyway. also i live here. altho, will be moving to allen at the end of the month.

but i disgress.....chicago would favor the boys cause its pretty well known that is their fav city to play. dallas has not always been kind to the band, but i see followers at their shows but i never meet these people. we are a rare breed indeed.

the other reason i finally decided to join the board: last few home games, they've played bring that noize before a face-off. yay. not just one game the last few. ooh, i know, but its not often you hear thrax at a hockey game. yes, yes, its w/ public enemy same difference.

the convention (that's what it would be) sounds great but what a logistical nitemare. money is a big factor, i know we have loyal thrax fans on this board....but loyal enough to fly for one show? if money were no object i would say fuck yeah....its a great idea: group discounts on hotels, everybody wearing anthrax shirts (that is an absolute must, if you don't have one, get one!!!!!), its like my idea for the simpsons i gave the chief a long time ago.

we all know how bad they want to be on, couldn't do it now since the idea was word got out that anthrax was coming to springfield and everybody was panicking, pretty much mocking what happened for real, buying gas masks and here's little lisa telling everyone to calm down because she's a closet anthrax fan. we all are, some are better hiding it than others. that's the gist of it anyway

sorry to ramble....i mean it with love.
i must have missed that one. i agree. apparently metal gets played more in houston than dallas. altho i'm a pussy myself. i like to be upfront, but i don't like elbows, legs, hands bruising various body parts. i once was molested at a thrax show. i was standing behind some guy and his hand started grabbing MY pussy. scared the living shit outta me. shoulda decked the guy, just shoved him. that fucking sucked, since i was sick to begine with. but that's ok. i met the band that nite. thank you god.
Chicago or Detroit would be better than Dallas.
There's still a good amount of metal fans here in Detroit. Even though it seems like everyone is jumping on the Kid Rock & Eminem bandwagon.
I just don't understand how someone can get off on something like that. Very strange people out there.

So who's throwing the party then? (or are we just going to talk about it, and never do it)
word bumpkins, i hate a bunch of goddamn losers like that. not to say im some big pimp that gets all the chicks, but shit like that is just sick.

Yeah, whats the 411(22) on the party in chicago, cause........i do belive ill talk to my family about driving up there, cause its a weekend and maybe i could talk my folks into throwin me a bone. doubtful, but maybe.