OK, time for a rant. Imagine my excitement when I noticed that MTV2 in the UK were showing their "extensive" coverage of the European festivals, and that the coverage is startin this week with the Rock AM Ring. GREAT I thought, Anthrax played that. But lo, they have just announced which bands they have sets from, and its the usual shite. Lost Prophets, Hoobastank, The Razzmuss
(I mean WTF are they all about?), Deftones, Korn, Chillis, but NO sign of the Thrax. They are even playing Metallica's set from last year. How the fuck are Anthrax going to get better known and raise their profile when corporate wankers like MTV won't show them, give them recognition that they played that show, and don't play their videos. That just PISSES ME OFF. Anthrax are better than any other band that played that poxy festival this year.
Rant over.

Rant over.