BOOBS: Halcyon Video...Mix by yours truly

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
Halcyon Way have just released a video of one of the new songs off their upcoming album...

check it out if you're into heavy-prog

This time they came to Germany for the drum recordings, so we used my beloved Yamaha kit with the sensitone snare ( samples on snare or toms, just a consistent hitter...that was fun).

Also: no need to tell me what I should change about the's finished ;)

Thanks for watching in HD
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Sounds rad! Which sensitone snare is that? I've been thinking about grabbing one. I've heard great things about them, and they're not too $$. The Brass one especially.
I like it! I think it sounds great :)

I have to ask, when trying to achieve a certain sound for a recording, how hard is it to convince a musician to use equipment that is not their own? There's has to be a certain open mindedness going into the studio and trust for those doing the production work but I can imagine that some musicians walk in with big egos thinking they know best and their equipment is perfect.

...anyway, this sounds great! Love the guitars and the drums. Those drums sound sweet!

While we're all geeking out on drums, what heads did you use Lasse? I've been trying different things out but have yet to find anything I like more than the standard Clear emperor on toms. Controlled sound on snare.
Thanks everyone.
regarding the drums, Well, there IS a sample on the kick drum (a blend of different ones actually, can't remember what exactly...most likely at least one layer of the Yamaha kick).

Skins: yep, that's what I'm using emperor on top, ambassador on bottom)
Switched to Evans for the snare recently though, the coating lasts longer.

Guitars: 2 tracks of rackmount recto (well, my profile of it)...I think through stiletto cab, not sure though, might have been the recto cab as well.
Solo was Soldano through stiletto (well, my profile of it)
Bass was a Mesa mpulse through svt 4x10 (well, my profile of it)
What a mix! Lasse has his signature style for sure. Can me distinguished in LSD drums, too.
Drums are superb, I immediately loved those toms even more then the snare (which is sexy by its own). Great cymbals, too. Well, I'll just list all the mix elements and call them great, lol:)
Thanks guys.
I'll have a look into the session and see if I can upload some samples for you...want raw or processed?
Not sure if I recorded overhead mics with the toms, so the direct samples might lack some depth compared to the toms in the mix...well, I'll have a look and let you know tomoz
just processed the samples similarily to how I treated them in the mix...I think it turned out pretty cool....
in fact I like them so much that I wanna add them to my sample packs (the full multiple velocities, multiple hits deal).
So I really can't give them all away for free, but I think a single hard shot can't hurt:

Hard Dry
Hard With Reverb

if I find the time I'll do the same for the toms.

About the LSD-Update: that'll take a few days I'm afraid
the song sounds amazing, well done!
i also like the voice, reminds me a bit on motley crues vince neil ;)
defintly going to purchase their new cd!!
Thanks Exo!

let me tease you a little bit more....

here's a quick example of the toms (only hard hits...not programmed to sound realistic, just a few hard hits after one another to give you the idea)...
and yes, these will all be added to my sample packs (multiple velocities and hits...of course without the reverb then)

HW Sexy Drums