BoodBath artwork

well, take a look at Travis' site to see the cover and another piece from it. The back panel is a wicked close up of a living dead corpse as only Travis could do. and the inside artwork has various limbs done up like the cover, all decayed and rotting. its really sick. it fits the music perfectly. the music is basic death metal at its finest. its very reminisent of early Obituary. but with Mike from Opeth doing the vocals.

is that better?
Travis is a GOD. Move over Marilyn Manson! No really, the Bloodbath stuff is really good, it's of a different style to a lot of Travis' other stuff. Y'know, a lot of his artwork looks like an ethereal collage of different images feathered and faded into eachother or summat, which is cool, and I suppose it's like a signature of artwork isn't it? But it's cool to see something different, like Bloodbath, and I lurve the Devin Townsend terra(whatever) artwork as well, that kicks otherworldly ass bandits!
Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
If you go to the bloodbath site ( and go to the members section, when you highlight a pic it shows you the before and after Travis''s just incredible.
Yes..upon seeing that, I attempted to say something meaningful but could only get out "holy fuck!". :D

I should listen to more of their influences...mainly Entombed's "Left Hand Path".

I also find Dan's "Ways to the Grave" to be pretty hilarious due to to all of his projects.

I also agree that Travis did an amazing job with the Bloodbath artwork.