Travis will you do Zero Hour's next album cover artwork?

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
Visit site
I just love your artwork and love your website. I didnt realize how much work you actually did! All of it is killer and amazing. So have they contacted you to do it or not cause the work for that album was great and i want to see some fresh new stuff to go along with their music. :)
Man thats weird, i JUST recently (like yesterday) found out about this band, and i was BLOWN AWAY by the one song i heard. im ordering the newest one today "towers..." of somthing

how is the first album?
I love both very very much. its hard to pick a favorite of the two. It is so hard to describe their music, but i think that the first one would be my favorite if it had one more song on it. it only clocks in at around 38 minutes. But in those 38 minutes you are taken on a musical journey. The 5 part song called metamorphasis is worth the 12 bucks alone.

ps whered you get it Lasers edge?
yeah Laser's Edge is where i ordered it. i couldnt find it anywhere else.
I've still gotta get around to getting the first ZH album. "Towers Of Avarice" is an amazing musical journey... although too short. Smith's cover art is brilliant for that album.