Book Recommendation: METAL GENERATION


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
I don't think I have actually read a book in over a decade!

Seriously, most of my book reading consists of techincal data and product info on HVAC/R stuff for my day job. I think the last real book I read was Robetech:The Sentinals series, since they pulled the TV series off the air before it actually got started 15 years ago.

I read an article on this book called METAL GENERATION on Blabbermouth a few weeks ago, and decided I was going to check it out. I could NOT put this book down!

This should be required reading for anyone that claims to be a fan of Heavy Metal music.


The book is pretty much an autobiography and author Darryl J. Keck, talks about his experiances in the music buisness from the viewpoint of being both a fan of heavy metal and a freelance fanzine/magazine writer who was wanting to support the music he truly loved.

This book is definalty for anyone that grew up in the early to mid 80's that was eating, drinking and sleeping heavy metal, and would like to get the real story on what was going on behind the scenes. The bands, their management, the record labels, you name it, its all in here!

Being that most of the material in this book happend 10 years before I got into heavy metal (I started down the road in 89'-90' at 13 years old) I was able to read it with better insight of what I missed out on... and what I DIDN'T miss! This was a real eye opener, and now I kind of feel this long distance kinship with Darryl; If you are a metal fan of the 80's, 90's and even a metal fan now, you need to check out this book and get the insider history of what it was like in the underground back in it's innocent begnings, how it nearly faced extinction, and then a mighty return over the last 20 years. The drama, attitude, and cut-throat busisness side, the musicians with humble starts all the way to "rock stars" with inlfated egos and their fall from grace, as well as the many shifting and fragmented styles of heavy metal that has happend over two decades, all through the eyes and ears a of a true fan and magazine scribe.

Not to mention A LOT of celebrity quotes and excellent vintage photos, including the mid-80's pictures of pre-Cowboys from Hell PANTERA! They are worth the book alone!


You can check it out by visiting