
I started on Wolfe. Very peculiar writing. It does read like a proper re-telling of events and for that reason it feels a lot more... eh, authentic? It's nice to have the world and its machinations "explained" by anecdotes and a matter-of-factly approach rather than have three paragraphs dedicated to describing things like a tourist's guide.
Wolfe's Book of the New Sun was pretty much the most interesting thing I've ever read. Thanks for that one Ken. Wolfe went pretty much from unkown to me to one of my favorite writer. I started Peace and the rest of the Solar Cycle is on my desk right now.
I'm about to read Gaiman's new one, The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

And yeah, I cannot recommend Wolfe highly enough. The guy is the greatest author of his generation.
Books I have read so far this year:

The Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein

Capital in the Twenty First Century - Thomas Piketty

The Idiot - Dostoevsky

The Sickness unto Death - Kierkgaard