
Evil Dead

Hail to the King baby
Mar 19, 2002
Kansas City
Has anyone seen this movie? I thought it was great!

And for 3 things...The anti semeticism is SOOO bad it makes Mel Gibson look like Rabbi Goldstein. I mean, it is really really REALLY bad..but hilarious. My two brothers and I were the only ones laughing at the 3 very memorable jew hating parts (Borat is a jew..)

The other part, Borat says "my wife vagina..hang like wizards sleeve." I lost it..

Then he is at a rodea, rousing up the rednecks..he says May George Bush drink the blood of every man, women, and child of Iraq~!~! And everyone was soo great.

Good movie, very non PC. Kinda dry sometimes (hes English) but his blatant racism, and sexism is soo funny.:rock:

edit--not to mention the racism of the people he interviews..its sad!
I will avoid it. I''m Jewish and as much humor I can have seeing a jew making anti-semithic jokes is beyond my understanding.

We have enough shit to endure with extreme islamism, nazis, Mel Gibson and the Israel government to add another fucktard to the bunch.
I saw a skit of his on tv a while back. He was at this real redneck kinda place. He had this crowd full of hicks singing hateful Anti-Jewish songs.
Funniest shit I ever seen.
Imagine Larry the Cable Guy being ripped on.
Only 100 times worse than he has ripped on anybody else.
And he doesn't even realize that he's being ripped on.

It was kinda like the Offspring's "Pretty Fly for a White Guy",
except he replaced the wigger kid with a hall full of rednecks.
I will avoid it. I''m Jewish and as much humor I can have seeing a jew making anti-semithic jokes is beyond my understanding.

We have enough shit to endure with extreme islamism, nazis, Mel Gibson and the Israel government to add another fucktard to the bunch.

If you are Jewish or a woman, I wouldnt recommend it.
"My wife..she say's if I cheat on her, she will break my cock off."

Great movie...I will definitely be buying the dvd when it comes out. The scene in the elevator had me almost crying because I was laughing so hard.
One of the funniest movies to come down the pike in a long time. If you were born with Politically Incorrect DNA that includes the Dark Humor gene this is an all-timer.

I saw it twice, with two different sets of friends.

Best Regards,

Momo Titanic
Just saw it this weekend. Went to see it with a friend from Kazakhstan, no less!

He was laughing hysterically at the rodeo scene when Borat was singing the words of the so-called Kazakh national anthem to the music of the American national athem: "Kazakhstan is greatest in the world, all other countries ruled by little girls..." Then all those rodeo rednecks begin booing. The producer later says, "We almost die in there!"

The tag sale scene was without a doubt my favourite part. "Look! Gypsy camp! Let's stop here and get gypsy tears to protect us from the Jew!"

Borat walks up, looks at the piles of used junk for sale, and says, "Hey, you gypsy! Where you steal all these treasures from? Why you camping on front lawn of American house, eh? You steal these treasures from this house?"

The lady says, "I'm not a gypsy! I was born here, pure mid-west Americana!" Borat sneers, "Hah! That's what you say, gypsy." He holds up a Barbie doll, and asks, "Who is this woman you shrunk, gypsy? Is this the owner of this house? You shrunk her? Are these, are these books your black magic spells, eh?"

Then he finds a book about Baywatch, and the rest is history.

Borat himself is also Mr Ali G( madonna vid etc..)... his real name is Sacha Baron Cohen and guess what hes a English Fuckin Jew who can av a laugh its a top film:rock: :rock: . His aim is to show how bigotted people are by agreeing with him !!!!????!!!