bored at work?


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
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indieradioisdead: did you know i have a daughter
seipptastic: really?
seipptastic: wow
indieradioisdead: yep
indieradioisdead: crazy huh
seipptastic: did you buy her on the white slave market?
indieradioisdead: i mean, with my crack problem and all
indieradioisdead: well, i traded my hog for her
indieradioisdead: and a mess of corn
indieradioisdead: and a jar of peanut butter
indieradioisdead: and an ant farm
indieradioisdead: and a VW bus
indieradioisdead: and a bomb-pop
seipptastic: keep going
indieradioisdead: and a slice of cheese
indieradioisdead: and a rabbit
indieradioisdead: and a handful of grass
indieradioisdead: and a berch tree
seipptastic: birch
indieradioisdead: yea
indieradioisdead: and a fishing boat
seipptastic: like a rowboat?
seipptastic: or o ne with an outboard
indieradioisdead: and some salt water taffy
indieradioisdead: no, the boat has a motor
seipptastic: mmmm
indieradioisdead: also...
indieradioisdead: some paint
indieradioisdead: some tires for a honda CRX
seipptastic: oooh
indieradioisdead: a few guns
seipptastic: this is getting great
indieradioisdead: an overhead projector
indieradioisdead: an air compressor
indieradioisdead: a fake cat
indieradioisdead: a trumpet
indieradioisdead: ...i think that's it
indieradioisdead: ...
indieradioisdead: oh
indieradioisdead: and a firetruck
indieradioisdead: OH
indieradioisdead: and a baseball team
seipptastic: nice!
seipptastic: not the expos I hope
indieradioisdead: yea
indieradioisdead: well, this is what i was trading them
indieradioisdead: i had to unload them
seipptastic: hahah way to burn the slavers!!
indieradioisdead: I KNOW
indieradioisdead: I WIN