deadair forced me to post this, I really didn't want to


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
seipptastic: stupid mario 2
seipptastic: I hated that shitty game
seipptastic: what a piece of shit
indieradioisdead: hahaha
indieradioisdead: it is a bad game
indieradioisdead: but mario 3... now that kicked ass
seipptastic: totaly crap
seipptastic: mario 3...hmmm
indieradioisdead: mario 3?
seipptastic: I got as far as the little whirlwind thingy I think
seipptastic: see I never had an NES
indieradioisdead: HAHAHA....
indieradioisdead: YOU ARE A LOSER!!!
seipptastic: so I didn't get really attatched to teh early mario games
seipptastic: now, Super Mario World
seipptastic: THAT was an awesome game
indieradioisdead: hahaha... true
seipptastic: my parents were seriously againt videogames
seipptastic: TV in general
seipptastic: of course they gave up after my brother and I were too old to care, so my sister has a big screen tv in her room & shit
seipptastic: not that I'm bitter
indieradioisdead: ::uncomfortable::
seipptastic: me & luke pooled our money at one point
seipptastic: and bought an SNES
seipptastic: and I SWEAR TO GOD
seipptastic: my parents faked a break-in and threw it out
seipptastic: to this day they deny it
seipptastic: but I know better
indieradioisdead: ...::really uncomfortable::
seipptastic: I dad was weeding the garden in the backyard at the time
indieradioisdead: actually that is really funny (i mean if they threw it out)
seipptastic: am I to believe that someone would break in to our house
seipptastic: and take ONLY a supernintendo
indieradioisdead: you should totally be a parent like that
seipptastic: which was in a plastic shopping bag, in a cabinet?
indieradioisdead: OMG HAHAHAHAHA
indieradioisdead: they totally threw it out
indieradioisdead: HAHAHAHA
seipptastic: yeah
seipptastic: they even called the police!
seipptastic: CONSPIRACY
indieradioisdead: HAHAHAHAHAH that is soo rad
indieradioisdead: my lunch is going to take 12 minutes to cook... IN THE MICROWAVE!!!!
seipptastic: um
seipptastic: ok
seipptastic: that's great, jake
indieradioisdead: fine... screw you
seipptastic: what, you think that's a long time?
indieradioisdead: for a microwave
seipptastic: maaaaaaaaaaaaan
indieradioisdead: what?
seipptastic: you don't konw my microwave
indieradioisdead: well... this is what it says on the box...
seipptastic: what are you microwaving
indieradioisdead: i'm not even figuring in the suckness of the microwave
indieradioisdead: mac and cheese
seipptastic: whoah
seipptastic: it must be the big one
seipptastic: I know for a fact the normal size takes only 6:30
seipptastic: you pig
indieradioisdead: ...
indieradioisdead: it's not THAT big
seipptastic: dude
seipptastic: it's the large size
seipptastic: don't lie to me
seipptastic: Stouffers?
indieradioisdead: marrie calender
seipptastic: oh
seipptastic: nm
indieradioisdead: see... it's the GOOD stuff
seipptastic: um
seipptastic: stouffers is GOOD
indieradioisdead: ok... the 'pricey' stuff
indieradioisdead: better?
seipptastic: heheheh
seipptastic: NO
indieradioisdead: mmm ok
indieradioisdead: (post our gold)
seipptastic: why do you always make me post it
seipptastic: it's so your turn
indieradioisdead: baby
seipptastic: ....
seipptastic: you can't cut & paste?
indieradioisdead: not in express
seipptastic: you are a jackass
indieradioisdead: ...
indieradioisdead: ::hangs head::
Originally posted by VangelicSurgeon
indieradioisdead: my lunch is going to take 12 minutes to cook... IN THE MICROWAVE!!!!

seipptastic: man I am hungry
indieradioisdead: ::finishing up mac and cheese::
seipptastic: 3 posts to go for you
indieradioisdead: until what?
seipptastic: util 3333
indieradioisdead: sweet
seipptastic: yes
seipptastic: how sweet it is
seipptastic: to be loved by you
indieradioisdead: OMG
indieradioisdead: GAYWAD
indieradioisdead: i'm telling