look at this crybaby...


Overly-Cryptic Jake
indieradioisdead: what the
seipptastic: I guess
seipptastic: hey
seipptastic: why are you warned!?
indieradioisdead: eric
seipptastic: hehehehe
indieradioisdead: i tried to warn you... and it didn't let me
seipptastic: hahahaha
seipptastic: what
seipptastic: why me?
indieradioisdead: so you could be like us
indieradioisdead: all the cool people have 20%
indieradioisdead: you want to be cool right
indieradioisdead: ?
seipptastic: NO
seipptastic: I want to be lame
indieradioisdead: WHAT
seipptastic: OMG
seipptastic: DICK!
indieradioisdead: that's for saying you want to be lame
seipptastic signed off at 11:22:36 AM.
HAHAAAAA. If I had my way, I'd be able to warn the world at 20% level. Everyone needs to be taken down a notch from time to time.
