more reasons why AIM is the devil


Overly-Cryptic Jake
indieradioisdead: look at that
seipptastic: I WANNA GET FREE
seipptastic: I WANNA GET FREE
seipptastic: I WANNA GET FREE
seipptastic: RIGH IN TO THE SUN
indieradioisdead: nothing...
seipptastic: ::kablam::
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
seipptastic: ::slump::
seipptastic: ::bleed::
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
indieradioisdead: hey
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
indieradioisdead: hey... josh
indieradioisdead: ::shake::
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
indieradioisdead: hey
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
indieradioisdead: josh... hey
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
indieradioisdead: josh?
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
seipptastic: ::bleed bleed bl33d::
indieradioisdead: mmmm
indieradioisdead: hey
seipptastic: ::brain spatter::
indieradioisdead: josh
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
indieradioisdead: ::shake::
indieradioisdead: josh
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
seipptastic: ghuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
seipptastic: braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaainzzzzzzzzzzz
indieradioisdead: is that a yes?
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
indieradioisdead: josh
indieradioisdead: hey
seipptastic: asyjlfgsldgfujasdf
indieradioisdead: ::shake::
indieradioisdead: hello
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
indieradioisdead: you want to know something josh?
seipptastic signed off at 12:05:59 PM.
seipptastic signed on at 12:06:13 PM.
indieradioisdead: i guess not
indieradioisdead: you want to know something?
seipptastic: WHAT
seipptastic: WHAT
seipptastic: WHATWHATWHWATWHWTAWHWIOdhsoldfhsdklagf
indieradioisdead: i own that cd...
indieradioisdead: it was 5 bucks used... i had to
seipptastic: I know!
indieradioisdead: ...
seipptastic: I like the song, it's just, ENOUGH ALREADY
indieradioisdead: oh yea
indieradioisdead: yep
seipptastic: it's the only line I know!!!!
seipptastic: over and over nd over in my head
indieradioisdead: that's the only line in the song right?
seipptastic: because of that damn swede!!!
indieradioisdead: i hate that guy
seipptastic: me too
seipptastic: lets firebomb his city

I'm ready!