Boredness... watch my vids if you are bored


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
hey guys... i posted a bunch of vids a while back from my other forums ( and well i thought i would share them with you since i am bored and you just might be too. YES i know i have too much delay/reverb. Sorry about that :) I don't use nearly that much anymore, i was just going through a phase then heheh.

there they are... be gentle.
hehe wow hearse i am honoured! Thanx! and lessons... well once i ded a 3 hour lesson with this really wicked guitar player and learned lots, but i wouldn't say i've ever really taken lessons :) and i've been playing about 5 years.. Up until 2 years a go i was an all out thrasher... i tried to learn every Metallica and Pantera song (and mostly failed miserable hehe) i even still can't play the majority of metallica or pantera songs very well... i know HOW to play them but little errors man... it's always the little errors hehe. (i am SICK TO DEATH of people saying that that music is easy... IT IS NOT!! And trust me i DO shred also, as you see in the vids!)
Wow I got these last night and have been watching them, you are amazing man! What was the thing you were playing in the video called "altitudes"? Nice playing, on all of them. That riff in "mikey_riff" is definately opeth like and it really rocks. How did you get so damn good at sweeping?? I can't wait till I am that good! :D
The thing in the video Altitudes is part of a song by Jason Becker... he was the most FUCKING incredible guitar player ever for his age... I'v ALWAYS been fascinated with his technique because almost all he did was flawless... his alternate picking, his whammy bar use... his quirkiness to his playing... and MOST OF ALL his sweeps! this man was not human... he can outsweep anyone. I have YET to come across a more complete guitar player... and he never even played past 20 years old because he god Lou Gerrig's disease and lost control of his body.. now he can only move some of his face.. REALLY sad story. Anyway as for where i learned to sweep... well i did listen to a lot of Becker, but i never really WATCHED his technique. Also odd thing is i never really practiced it much.. it just came really easy for me. Now Alternate picking... that's another story hehe... i have worked SO MUCH for 3 years straight on it and still i kinda suck at it hehe. I could tell you the sweeps i practiced to eventually get good at it... in the Dmaj wankfest video that is basically where it all stemmed from... I can show you that shape... and then i just moved it around the fretboard and eventually it was easy to do that one anywhere... and from there i had the picking part of the sweep down pat i just had to learn the other arp shapes, so it didn't take long to get pretty good. (although that D major shape is still my fastest arp)
I am actually getting better at my alternate picking, but I can not sweep very well at all. I would love to see those shapes if you could do it, maybe I can actually get my ability in those terms up, and I will DEFINATELY check out Jason Becker, those chord changes made in the sweeping were great....unfortunately it really is sad that that happened to him though... :cry:
gradually im downloading these videos, its cool to watch other guitarists...your sweeping on altitudes seems pretty damn good, although with the video quality and amount of reverb i assume mistakes are well hidden.

i can do the 'up' action of the sweep pretty well.
But the 'down' action just doesnt work..

lets say this simple shape:


Can you tell me how each note is picked?
the 14-13-12 is an upwards sweep obviously, is the 15 a hammer-on or picked (up or downstroke?)... and then the 12-13 is a downwards sweep? or is the 15-12 a pull off and the second 13 becomes the only note picked down?
and then repeat that process for the second one i guess, i have trouble swapping immediately from the down sweep to the up sweep..
heheh yeah the mistakes ARE hidden :) actually on some of them there really were none.. on the wankfest one there's only one i remember making, though the end of altitudes is a real mess heheh.

anyway wow... i never really thought about how i picked it, it just kinda happened... but i realized i have a pretty good way of doing it! Yayo, for the arp shape you put i will put the strokes... hope this makes sense to you

| down | down | down | up | pull off | up | up | down | down | up | pull off | up | up |

the only tricky part with that shape is comming back OVER the string on the 8th note... but once you get that it's easy. If you have any other questions about any other arp shapes let me know because... a revelation! you have shown me that i actually DO know something! I'm not completely retarded!
hey thanks, it seems you do it differently than how ive always swept.... im gonna go play around now and see if this new approach works better!

the only tricky part with that shape is comming back OVER the string on the 8th note.
Yeh i have problems with that part of it...
This is just the goofy minor shape I practice alot

And here is a major one

This one is good to practice because you have to work on "rolling" your fingers on the 3rd and 4th note and the 10th and 11th.

Bumblefoot could you post some wacky diminished shapes if you know any?
Damn you people . I want to try these but my guitar is at my drummers house .. and the one I have here has no strings on it at the moment ....

I really have no clue about guitar ... I play it really well . but when it comes to theory .... I have no idea . The only "sweep picking" I can do is in the Children of Bodom song Warheart . it isn't really easy but I have become really good at it .. I haven't learned much in the guitar area since i've moved. I should get back into it .. could anyone recomend some sites that could teach me some shit ..
i could post some out there arps... or some not so out there hehe... here's the ones i use most (not they aren't in scale... i'll just put them in a position close to the 12th fret.)

Major Shapes:




Minor shapes:




err.. i got lazy and don't want to type any more. But those are the 3 major/minor arp shapes... know them well so that you can play the arps anywhere on the neck so you can stay in key (does that make sense to you?) Maybe tomorrow i will post some diminished and 7th arps if i don't feel lazy... this took me a good 20 minutes so i don't wanna do any more just now hehe.
ah and also above not that if you don't wanna do them as full 6 string sweeping arps you can cut it off anywhere in the middle and to make it a bit more confortable and stick to the same formula... end it with a pull off to the next note, but on the SAME string. That is what i do. I almost always end my arps with a pull off/hammer on thing with 2 notes on the string. It is the easiest way for me.