

Jul 21, 2004
since this forum has been kinda dead lately .. i thought what the hell post something.. i just learned tabbed and learned serenity painted death PERFECTLY! I FEEL SO GOOD! this is officaly my new favourite opeth song.. :worship: mikeal is a f*#&@# genius!
yeah i dunno im drunk and stoned just felt id share that.. oh yeah and have they ever played this song live?
This is ridiculous...How many other forums are there on UM? If you are bored here, go elsewhere. Go to chat, or Anathema, or GMD. There are a lot of things you can talk about besides Opeth. Since there's been so much complaining about the lack of non-Opeth content, just go somewhere else. Don't start pointless threads like this one. At least attempt to make a relevant thread.
well did they play it live or not? and chill out about the post i was kidding around
There have been so many freaking worthless threads on this board, but this one doesn't really piss me off. Everyone talks about how this isn't a community at all and shit, and even though i don't look to this place for anything really except some cool points or info here and there, this post is closer to a communal thing than a lot of others. All the dude said was that he's drunk and felt like saying he can play the damn song, which is pretty cool. I've seen much more wastes of my time (every melinda thread).
Congratulations for that Bored!
And as far as I know, I think they played Serenity Painted Death alive once, don't remember when.



PS: Look guys, until all of us won't have any kind of information about Opeth's next release, I believe that we might share other topics, if this guy felt the need to communicate something for what he's satisfied or proud of, I don't see why he can't.

THANK YOU.. you 2 for those kind comments... i dont see what the big deal is about posting something like that... you 2 rock! :headbang: