Boris - Pink


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
Boris - Pink
Southern Lord Records – SUNN 55 – May 16, 2006
By Rodrigo Escandon


Having established themselves as a drone outfit with their first few albums, Boris have been on the psychedelic/stoner/punk/rock vibe (isn't that a mouthful?) for their last couple of full-lengths and Pink continues that tradition. However, Pink may very well turn out to be the band’s finest hour due to the fact that the whole band’s past repertoire is featured and perfected.

For those who may be put of by the massive length and drone of Absolutego then “Blackout” maybe just what you have been waiting for. A massive drone piece that lasts for less than 5-minutes, “Blackout” really delivers the goods in a concise manner. The opening track “Farewell” and the short instrumental “My Machine” remind me of material from Flood and Amplifier Worship as well as with the latest Jesu compositions. These two songs are beautiful and powerful at the same time. “Afterburner” succeeds in capturing the perfect psychedelic mood and the fuzz guitars perfectly enhance the delivery. However, the rest of Pink dives into the musical territory that Heavy Rocks and Akuma No Uta explored.

Rollicking foot stomping songs are the name of the game for the rest of Pink and songs like “Woman On the Screen”, “Six, Three Times”, “Nothing Special” and especially the instrumental “Electric” and “Pink” are all intensely catchy and fun to listen to. Be warned that Pink features a dirty, loud and fuzzy production and it was simply the best and only way to present the music. The guitars are upfront, noisy but audible, the drums are powerful and the singing, while difficult to understand, contain infectious melodies. Pink ends with the amazing 18-minute “Just Abandoned My-self” and this closing track combines all of the best musical elements that Boris has played. It starts out as a fast stoner rock song and it eventually slows down into a drone piece but this journey is perfectly sculpted together and I always find myself mesmerized by the last 8 or 9 minutes. This is truly one of the best songs that Boris have ever played.

There’s really not much to add with Pink. This is the album and music that we have come to expect from this fantastic Japanese trio but they still manage to create music that is fresh, exciting and incredibly fun.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Boris Official Website
Southern Lord Records Official Website