Boris - Pink

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
This is the first time I've heard Boris. I have no idea what their other stuff is like, but this new one is borderline GENIUS. Its not really drone like I thought it might be. It kind of reminds me of the latest Earth, but with vocals and more rock and feedback. By the way, I'm listening to the brand new Southern Lord release of this. There's a 2005 release on another label, but I know nothing about it.

There's some damn emotion in this!

Check this sample (sorry its WMA):
If you liked Pink I would recommend you check out Akuma No Uta and Heavy Rocks as well. Feedbacker and Flood are my two favorites but both are pretty much all ambient/drone in nature, where as Pink, Akuma, and Heavy Rocks all have a definite rock/stoner overtone to them.
I ordered this motherfucker MONTHS ago and it hasn't shown up. For some reason, however long Aquarius takes to ship me my shit, I just can't stay mad at them!

I've heard the first track (softer one) and it fuckin ruled... but come on, this is Boris, so doesn't that go without saying?
Hmm. I like jap imports, but I'll look into it. I could always switch it for one of Aquarius' 294284828248 other titles!

I already have Akuma no Uta, Mabuta no Ura, Sunbaked Snow Cave and Ampllifier Worship, and I pretty much rate them in that order. Next step after Pink should DEFINITELY be Flood. I've been intrigued by that album since before I knew who Boris was.
yeeeah.. they kinda pissed me off with how they handles the order:

- a few days after i placed the order they informed me they had 4 of the 8 titles i ordered on hold and the other 4 were on order
- then a week ago (middle of march now) 6 of the 8 items appear on my doorstep, which is a complete surprise as the last email seemed to imply that they were holding the 4 until the other 4 showed up
- i emailed them asking what went down, they reply saying that 2 of the 4 items showed up before they shipped the ones they had, so they sent the 6
- then they say that the Boris is still on hold due to some fuckup with DIWPhalanx or whoever it is, but the other one (Twisted Tower Dire - The Isle of Hydra) isn't gonna happen. So fine, i picked out something else.

not the biggest deal, but i just feel like i've dealt with a completely disorganized store that doesn't know what they have, don't have, can get, can't get, etc. the fact that they have awesome taste in music and an amazing variety of stock is the only thing that's gonna keep me going back. in the future i'll just email to confirm orders before sending them.

i wonder though, what's the point of listing certain titles as UNAVAILABLE SO DONT ORDER IT! on the site, while others that are still listed as available for sale turn out to be unnavailable TWO FUCKING MONTHS after i place the order
If they weren't so goddamn expensive it woulda been a done deal a LOOOOOOONG time ago! Actually iirc Inoxia has flood for cheaper than anywhere over here (even after shipping!) so I'll do that sometime.

I really fuckin wish I got the live dvd of their US dates from last year!