Borknagar Concert


*~ Freak ~*
Dec 12, 2002
This year I saw them at the Wacken-Open-Air in Germany and at my holiday in Norway in Oslo at the Rock In.

The concert at the Rock In was really great (at Wacken it was great too, but in Oslo smaller and because of that nicer ;)).

But...norway Metalheads don`t bang very much, or ? ;)

I think only I and 4-5 others were banging at this concert...

Originally posted by Shadowtear
This year I saw them at the Wacken-Open-Air in Germany and at my holiday in Norway in Oslo at the Rock In.

The concert at the Rock In was really great (at Wacken it was great too, but in Oslo smaller and because of that nicer ;)).

But...norway Metalheads don`t bang very much, or ? ;)

I think only I and 4-5 others were banging at this concert...


yeah..they don't bang that much...
Originally posted by BTK
yeah..they don't bang that much...

Oh..I`re from Norge

God dag
Hvordan har du det? ;)

I learn "norsk" now....I`m not soooo good..I only can a few "things"

And what´s up with you? Are you one of the banging heads?

I've seen them twice.
The first time was at the "Rock Mot Rus Festival" in Andenes/Andöya in 2000. My band performed at the same festival as "special guests" and it was a great experience for us. :)
Anyway, that time Simen was still the vocalist and that show is among my top 5 of best concerts I've ever been to.

The 2nd time was at the "Inferno Festival" 2001. That gig wasn't as good as the one up in Andenes but I've understood that the sound on stage pretty much sucked and the out sound wasn't that good either.
Havent seen them live :( but have heard some live stuff.

Vintersorg sounds unbelievable in the live stuff, thats for sure, just such a powerful voice.
I didnt think that Vortex did badly in the live stuff actually, but it does sound a bit different from the recordings. Still great though I think anyway.
Originally posted by Shadowtear
Oh..I`re from Norge

God dag
Hvordan har du det? ;)

I learn "norsk" now....I`m not soooo good..I only can a few "things"

And what´s up with you? Are you one of the banging heads?


Joa, hei..alt bra....Ja, ich bin ein head banger. ;)
I don't know much german..but I can a little like this :
Ich bin der Dunkel Fürst und niemand kannst mir tun.
Ich leden in die Dunkelt Welt und trinke blut von Gott.
Nimand kann mich töten :D:D

German is a fucking awsome language....
I saw them at Wacken
I really liked the show!
Vintersorg was amazing ( and norske gutterne også!)but the guitars should have been tuned higher and the crowd was a little bit slow to wake up!
Originally posted by BTK
Joa, hei..alt bra....Ja, ich bin ein head banger. ;)
I don't know much german..but I can a little like this :
Ich bin der Dunkel Fürst und niemand kannst mir tun.
Ich leden in die Dunkelt Welt und trinke blut von Gott.
Nimand kann mich töten :D:D

German is a fucking awsome language....

*lol* do you have german at school?
In Oslo some norsk guys told me in school they could choose between german and french and most of them took german.

Your german words not really right...but very good :)
I write it for you in the right order:
Ich bin der dunkle Fürst und Niemand kann mir etwas tun.
Ich lebe in der Dunkelheit und trinke Blut von Gott.
Niemand kann mich töten.

Originally posted by Djöfull
I saw them at Wacken
I really liked the show!
Vintersorg was amazing ( and norske gutterne også!)but the guitars should have been tuned higher and the crowd was a little bit slow to wake up!

Yeah...the show in Wacken was good...but I must say... at that time Vntersorg can`t bang very good ;) :grin:

On the concert in norway it was better...much better :)
I really don't know what the issue is with Oslo-folks (sorry). It's like they are spoiled with good concerts. When Borknagar played i Bergen at Kvarteret, you could see people rocking, standing behind the mixer! The whole mini-tour was filled with contrasts, going from great to not-so-great. -Speaking audience-wise. Borkis played great! And as for the question about Vintersorg's live-performances - Vintersorg is tha man!
I'd just like to say about Vortex....In the old videos of Borknagar he sounds alot different than the recordings. But when I saw Dimmu he sounded more like on Dimmu's CD and Quintessence.....Ahg...teacher calls....I'll add more later...
Originally posted by Ezaphen
I really don't know what the issue is with Oslo-folks (sorry). It's like they are spoiled with good concerts. When Borknagar played i Bergen at Kvarteret, you could see people rocking, standing behind the mixer! The whole mini-tour was filled with contrasts, going from great to not-so-great. -Speaking audience-wise. Borkis played great! And as for the question about Vintersorg's live-performances - Vintersorg is tha man! Oslo it was a "little" concert...maybe that`s the reason...
If it had been a big...maybe more metalheads would have banged ;)

But for me (as a german) such a little Borknagar concert were really great :)
here in germany they never could play such a little concert