Borknagar News

Wait, got something :) "Borknagar is currently working on new material for the next album, which is still untitled, according to Øystein G. Brun. "Most of the material is written with the rough plan for studio time in autumn '02. We intend to use the same studio and engineer as on Empiricism. Musically it will be a continuation of the latest effort." So releaqsed soon after?? Who knows :)
That's actually a couple of months old. Since then it now looks like we'll be touring US in July, various festivals during the summer and then touring Europe in October so my guess is that we'll rehearse the new stuff after that and record, say, January. The more time Øystein gets to write songs the better the album's going to be so I'm not in a hurry. We have more than enough songs alreay.