Borknagar's breakfast habits


Aug 16, 2003
Malmö, Sweden
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:wave: Hello everybody first time poster here.
Just want to ask a question about a interview with Borknagar I saw on MTV.
In the interview Asgeir I believe said that he drinks blood instead of milk at breakfast.
Is there any truth in this or was he just fucking with MTV ?
Asgeir wrote:
It was Mr. Lazare who said that. I'm more into the flesh...
Really :confused:
I could have sworn it was you but if you say it wasn't you then it wasn't you.
But why did Mr. Lazare say that ?
It will only hurt the metal scene and the future generation need more metal on tv otherwise life as we know it will end.
Can you picture a world where no one knows about bands like Immortal and Borknagar? :OMG:
Ohh no, less exsposure for metal! Give me a break. Metal will never die, regardless of whether or not mainstream television and media supports it or not.
TB666 said:
Sure I might be a little paranoid but look at the youth today ?
They are getting brainwashed to hate metal and that's a fact.
And metal is dying :(
Reading your post let me guess you're quite new to metal... dunno what age your are, but surely younger then me...

One thing for sure, no matter how much of a "brainwash" the media tries to do... Metal will always survive, simply because it has never really had a big support of the so called "brainwashing" media. Metal is more than a hype thingie... you will always find people getting into metal, no matter what age... Words will always spread by fans...

There is a reason for why I don't need a TV...
With the computer and internet, there are much better ways for metal bands to be supported...
And with DVDs and video tapes released by the bands you actually see those which won't be shown on TV anyway...
I'm 20 years old morgana and I have listen to metal all my life.
I hope your right about metal never dying but I'm not.
Everyday I watch Britney spears and the rest of that shit gaining new grounds and metal is getting more and more cast into the shadows where it doesn't belong.
In a couple generations metal will not exist.
If it does exist then no one will know about it because the youth are afraid to spread the word because of fear of being an outcast and being popular is much more important to the youth today than being themself.
I was an outcast so i know. I was picked on everyday because of my music.
I really hope i'm wrong i really do.
Borknagar had an interview on MTV?

Thats interesting, would there be any chance of it being added to the interviews section?

Always interested...

And hey if it includes breakfast recipes, thats an added bonus.
Stupid questions call for stupid answers. The journo asked a lot about the idea that the Norwegian black metal environment is sooooo eeeeeevil, and I just couldn't resist joking around with it. I told him that we usually start off the day with a bowl of cornflakes & blood because it's more nutricious than cornflakes & milk. If anyone took that comment seriously, they probably shouldn't be listening to metal, but get their heads checked instead :loco:
TheRealLazare wrote
Stupid questions call for stupid answers. The journo asked a lot about the idea that the Norwegian black metal environment is sooooo eeeeeevil, and I just couldn't resist joking around with it. I told him that we usually start off the day with a bowl of cornflakes & blood because it's more nutricious than cornflakes & milk. If anyone took that comment seriously, they probably shouldn't be listening to metal, but get their heads checked instead
I did get my head checked and it was fine :lol:
I guess that you weren't serious about that but still you never know until you ask. :Spin:
TB666 said:
I'm 20 years old morgana and I have listen to metal all my life.
I hope your right about metal never dying but I'm not.
Everyday I watch Britney spears and the rest of that shit gaining new grounds and metal is getting more and more cast into the shadows where it doesn't belong.
In a couple generations metal will not exist.
If it does exist then no one will know about it because the youth are afraid to spread the word because of fear of being an outcast and being popular is much more important to the youth today than being themself.
I was an outcast so i know. I was picked on everyday because of my music.
I really hope i'm wrong i really do.

If you have listening to it all your life you should know what metal is about and you wouldn't come up with such...erm... question and statements :lol: (really have to bit my tongue here...) :lol: :lol: