Borknagar's breakfast habits

Drink blood for breakfast? :Smug: Listen boy! If he drank blood for breakfast, he'd be a dead man by now! Think about it; where would he get the blood? How would he know whether or not the blood is clean, etc etc.
I can tell you one thing for certain, and this is a lesson that you should remember every minute of every day - there is only one man that can accomplish such feats that ordinary men cannot (such as drinking blood). ONE MAN!!!! His name is.....


You don't fuck with blood, and you don't fuck with Arnie! No fucking!!
I do know that if you take pigblood, boil it with flour and riced potatoes until it becomes lumpy, add a little salt and pepper... it's delicious!

Actually, it sounds a bit more like a pagan ritual than a food item....