"BORN" demo


Aug 3, 2008
North Carolina
Some friends of mine just put out a new demo. I'ts a bit more Opeth/Nevermore-ey than the old one, and the quality is a lot better. my favorites so far are "Voyager of Ages" and "Illusions Dance", but give it a listen and let 'em know what you think they need to improve. *coughvocalscough*


here's the myspazz.

Edit: just post here. I'll pass on any notes you might have.
Despite you saying it was your band on UK Thrash. I smell another White Hazzard fiasco coming on. Also, that biography is disgusting - no one should ever detail an ex-member's alcohol issues in a band bio, ever.
lol yeah that is a terrible bio if I've ever seen one.

the album art looks kinda cool at least?
Despite you saying it was your band on UK Thrash. I smell another White Hazzard fiasco coming on. Also, that biography is disgusting - no one should ever detail an ex-member's alcohol issues in a band bio, ever.
That was a bit of a psychological experiment. I wanted to see if people are more likely to respond to a person drawing attention to one's own band, or if they're more prone to respond to someone recommending someone else's band. in hindsight it would have been more effective to run the experiment on sites without parallel membership.
The alcoholism thing was actually a joke. very tongue-in cheek, but I guess that's hard to tell in text. The real reason that I left was that I went away to Uni, and It's a 5 hour drive back home. rehearsals became impossible.