Born of Osiris - Open Arms to Damnation cover WIP

I'm doing this as a cover for my own band's EP. Still writing the EP so I figured I'd start the mixing process early to get a good sound.

I'll be doing vocals soon and I'm having the guitars reamped sometime next week, probably.

I figured I'd post it for you guys to critique. I'll listen to it in a few hours to find shit I don't like.

I can also post the stems for mixing when I finish everything, although some people might not like that it's sooooooooooooper clean, playing-wise. :danceboy:

I thank God for midi.
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Well I wouldn't accomplish anything by explaining my opinions so it can't be helped.

For the record.. since I feel I'm gaining a lot of infamy with the posts I've been coming up with lately, the guitars on the EP aren't going to be programmed.
This, however, is just a cover.. and so it's not that important or worth the time it takes to produce something that sounds less-perfect, especially since my goal is only to establish a mix for the EP.

Shit, at least it doesn't reach -2 rms at any point in the song! :lol:
It's not a cover. The whole point of a cover is to pay homage to someone who has influenced you, or as a general demonstration of your band's skill, but lack of original material.
What does this accomplish?
Fair enough, it sounds about as good as midi can.
But anyone could basically just export any guitar pro file they wanted and release it, tbh it's fucking stupid.
And you're right, no amount of explaining on your part will change my (99% of people's, I'm sure) opinion.
In my opinion, doing a cover of any song is putting my own sound to another band's material. Because I enjoy experimenting with things like this. It's a learning process.
That's what this accomplishes.. a satisfied curiosity.

And yeah, it is pretty stupid that just anybody could do this easily. I agree with that. If I had the guitar skill to get it really tight without too much effort, I would rather track this myself.. however, I'm not a great guitarist. I'm still getting better at it. But I don't think just because I couldn't play it myself is a good enough reason for me to not do it..

I don't see why you're saying that you and everyone else thinks the same about this matter.
I know that the world is full of people who don't see things from the point of view of others

My methods are fine to me, and my own opinion is the only one that matters [to me], so long as I am not infringing on others to the point that they're being hurt in some way.

NOW, are there any comments on the mix at all, or does the perfection of the guitars disable any kind of mix-judging abilities for people?

On a semi-unrelated note, I think that I need to stop posting here.
I love learning things but whenever I want somebody to tell me what's wrong with my mix, I get a lot of disrespect for not doing things the normal way.

My apologies for the mini-rant. And I don't mean any disrespect to anybody about any of this. I'm still learning, still experimenting..
You say that it satisfies your curiosity, but you're going to release it as part of an EP?

If you can't play a song, then you practice until you can, not just release a midi version of it.
If everyone did that you'd see a shit ton of Decapitated and Necrophagist "covers".

Unless you plan on releasing your music in this format, then you aren't going to gain anything from having people on here critique this.
That you can't seem to understand this, and even did it in the first place, befuddles me.
you aren't going to gain anything from having people on here critique this.

You're right about that.
People on here can be really uptight about stuff a lot.

I guess I'll hold off anymore posts until I get some material with real guitar playing.

I shouldn't get any shit about this by people who have used programmed drums before and do it at least occasionally, but I probably have. What hypocrisy!
I shouldn't get any shit about this by people who have used programmed drums before and do it at least occasionally, but I probably have. What hypocrisy!

Yes you should and it's not really hypocritical. People, myself included, that program drums do so because A. they do not play drums, B. aren't adequately equipped to record drums, or C. all of the above. In my case, I don't have the room to record drums.

There is still an aspect of actually programming those drums, note by note, velocity change by velocity change to make them sound good. They then actually perform the guitar, bass and vocals (if there are any). What you're doing is exporting a midi file and running it through some synths. Not that I'm saying you shouldn't do this if that's what you like but don't expect people to praise you for posting stuff like this when there is absolutely no performance/recording/production aspect involved. I doubt people are going to come in super eager to know what your MIDI export process is or if you clicked the "import" button or just tabbed over and hit enter.

Having said all that, do what you want if it's what makes you happy.
Yes you should and it's not really hypocritical. People, myself included, that program drums do so because A. they do not play drums, B. aren't adequately equipped to record drums, or C. all of the above. In my case, I don't have the room to record drums.

There is still an aspect of actually programming those drums, note by note, velocity change by velocity change to make them sound good. They then actually perform the guitar, bass and vocals (if there are any). What you're doing is exporting a midi file and running it through some synths. Not that I'm saying you shouldn't do this if that's what you like but don't expect people to praise you for posting stuff like this when there is absolutely no performance/recording/production aspect involved. I doubt people are going to come in super eager to know what your MIDI export process is or if you clicked the "import" button or just tabbed over and hit enter.

Having said all that, do what you want if it's what makes you happy.

I'm probably going to receive more disrespect for some weird reason but I don't play guitar, nor do I possess the means..
I was actually thinking about buying my first guitar in a couple of months.

I believe I can go through and humanize the playing just like the drums are done. Maybe I will start practicing in doing that. Though I'd rather just learn to play guitar and be able to play it myself.. I consider programming guitars, drums, etc. only temporary.

Also, I wasn't looking for any appraisal. More like criticism.. but on the mix, not how MIDI the guitars are, in character.

HONESTLY, I feel that what I've done with this cover is the same thing as finding stems that someone has posted of a band that they recorded.
But I don't see people being disrespected for uploading their mix of something someone else recorded.
In that light, I believe criticizing my means is unnecessary..

This is much like producing electronic music.. but it's metal.

Anyways, whatever! I see why people think this is stupid.. but not why it's impossible to give criticism on the mix and look past the "playing." lol
Dude it's really fucking simple.
Dude it's really fucking simple.

You're missing where I'm coming from entirely..

I have a flute in one song of mine.. it's synthesized but sounds exactly the same as a real flute, but the playing characteristics are extremely spot-on because it's MIDI. It sounds nice untouched but seems to not be so clear since there is a bit going on at the same time as the flute.
Now, how does a flute sit well in any mix? If I presented this to you, asking for you to tell me how it SOUNDS in the mix, would you get upset and flame me for programming the flute?

Or would you say something like "bring up the high and and boost the volume just a bit to make it more clear"?

I don't see why you don't get it. But oh well. :/
If I told you these guitars sounded good, then you can't exactly go "Next time I mix some real guitars I'll do the same thing I did with those midi guitars".
I'm amazed by your lack of reasoning.
You're actually right because the guitars are being reamped and will have a different tone.

But what about the drums? The bass?
Does the entire mix contain only the MIDI guitars or is that all you're seeing? The drums aren't "real instruments."
Their sampled. Same with bass. Same with guitar.

It's not IMPOSSIBLE for someone to say something about the mix in some way that would help me improve the MIX. "Playing" aside.

I'm amazed by how much of a dick some people can be. :/
Up until now, I've tried to be respectful to people who don't see eye-to-eye with me, but this is just getting ridiculous.

I didn't ask for somebody to come in here and talk to me like I'm a retard because they don't like what I like or my methods.
I asked for some criticism on a mix..

Now if I took DIs from someone actually playing this stuff, edited tight as balls, BARELY different from how these MIDI guitars are being played..
Applied the SAME tone..
Mixed the SAME way..

It's the SAME mix. But the guitars won't sound on-the-grid.

If you won't accept this, then great for you but don't talk to somebody like they're dumb as fuck in a situation where two perceptions are clashing and there is no probable common outcome.

What you're trying to point out to me is either wrong or just subjective. But what you have made a point is that you're a disrespectful dick between this and another post I've seen of yours where you bashed on someone's music, even though you don't know who those people are--you just disrespected them because you don't enjoy what they put so much work into creating. Talking about the Betraying the Martyrs thing, in case you don't remember.

Anyways, have a good day, dude. Not seriously trying to bash on you but I can't stand when people act like this. If you're not a total dick, just accept that there is a discordance and respectfully end your side of the conversation.
I'm ending mine now.

I apologize for preaching, ranting, and all that other stupid immature stuff.

Still accepting opinions on the mix. :D
Now if I took DIs from someone actually playing this stuff, edited tight as balls, BARELY different from how these MIDI guitars are being played..
Applied the SAME tone..
Mixed the SAME way..

It's the SAME mix. But the guitars won't sound on-the-grid.

No it's not the same mix, that's what I've been trying to explain.

Betraying The Martyrs are terrible, I expressed my opinion.
Plenty of bands I enjoy get bashed on here all the time.

I'm out.