Born of Osiris - Recreate cover

Did you autotune the guitars are something? This doesn't sound like any guitar I've ever heard in my life.

Anyways, I like all of the crazy vocal shit as usual, they just need to be made a bit clearer in the mix. The guitar/bass tone aren't working for me though.

Guitars are real.. I just decided to fart along. Good ears!

Guitars are real? More like REAL FAKE.

Here's how I did the guitars.
Guitar Pro tab > Export Midi > Electri6ity > POD Farm

It sounds easy enough but it was a pain in the balls since the guitars of the song are 7 strings, while Electri6ity supports 6 string guitars alone.
Anywhere other notes besides the scope of the 6 strings goes into the "keyswitch" area of Electri6ity.
They do bad things for those without midi controllers. Every time I played the guitars back and a keyswitch was activated, I basically had to reload Electri6ity, which for some reason took quite a while.

Besides all that.. bass is Trilian
Drums are sampled, OHs are Superior
Vocals were recorded with an SM58 and MXL 990.. and in uncomfortable conditions, at that..

NU Mix: of the Serpent - Recreate (Born of Osiris).mp3
Also, I'm sure you guys see where I could improve this mix. Could I get some pointers?

First off, the lead's delay is probably causing a lot of trouble. Same for the vocals' delay.
I need to make the bass not sound like one big fart.
I also need to make the rhythms more audible.

What else? There's gotta be a lot more that I can't think of!
Scott, I agree with what you said.
Since it's really only a cover, I didn't bother doing excessive humanizing. Shit, it started out as just a vocal cover but I thought it'd be cooler to have a full instrumental.

And Lon, thanks for offering but it's nothing worth taking your time. :)

I'll see if I can't get it sounding any better at all.
I saw the thread title and i got quite excited. Then i first i was like... and then i was like...and now im leads. Whos that on the vokills?