Born of Osiris - The Discovery

Or pretty arrogant, depends how you look at it...

Yeah they are all stupid douche bags by the looks of it that are high out of their minds (just like all of their interviews). i just thought it was kinda cool that a band all lived in the same house. And they could just like jam all the time like "oh dude i got this sick riff, lets jam it while its fresh" etc.

Fucking spoiled rich kids who have had everything handed to them. There's no way in FUCK that they could afford their house on their own with no jobs and smoking weed/drinking all day like a bunch of useless ass holes. Not just that, but they seem like the most boring absent minded fucks you'd ever meet. I guess interesting music doesn't equal interesting people.
I'm guessing they've got a mortgage on it. Pay for it out of their salary or tour/merch cuts. Pretty smart if you ask me. They can probably write some of it off too under their business. Haters be learners.
I don't understand all the hate on the video. I don't think it's that unbelievable to think six people could together come up with enough money for that house (could be renting or have a mortgage who knows). They are in a good band have a cool house, good for them, they seem no more douchey or arrogant than most people I seem to encounter in daily life.
Baz mate its not that hard to do up a contract. I'd rather be paying off a house together then renting some place even while I was on tour. If/when the band dissolves they've got themselves a nice little asset that has improved in value as opposed to spending their entire earnings from the band on something else that probably depreciated. I think you are grossly underestimating the amount of money some of these bands can make. Hell, if their guarantee was like 5 large a night (which is purely speculatory, it may very well be much less/more) that would probably pay the mortgage for 2 months and thats just one show out of 200-250 that they play a year. Its ok, I understand, you're a bass player.
Fucking spoiled rich kids who have had everything handed to them. There's no way in FUCK that they could afford their house on their own with no jobs and smoking weed/drinking all day like a bunch of useless ass holes. Not just that, but they seem like the most boring absent minded fucks you'd ever meet. I guess interesting music doesn't equal interesting people.

I dont think its that big of a surprise they have a house.. i remember one of the August Burns Red guitar players going on about how he never thought he could make enough money by doing music to own a house but he does now, (Ibanez Interview) so its not that big of a surprise that 6 people in the same band could do that. I also, heard something about Summerian renting it for them while they are off tour so? who knows.

I don't think (no matter how cool they were) I could ever live with a band I was in.

Maybe cool was the wrong word..:erk: i think its interesting that a band lives together. Where i live, my band members live over an hour or so away, living together would be really cool i think and very productive for music writing, they are all still pretty young too right? like.. early twenties i think? a lot of people have roommates at that age, they just seem to have there close friends/bandmates. Big woop.
I saw their cribs video a while back and thought they seem like chill, stoner metalheads - they don't come off as arrogant at all to me. Same as in their interviews; they just seem like young talented guys who hit it off and are having a blast.

And for some reason, I assumed their parents paid for a majority of the house costs.
I saw their cribs video a while back and thought they seem like chill, stoner metalheads - they don't come off as arrogant at all to me.

Except that they took it upon themselves to make a non-satyrical cribs video about their own house....
I really couldn't give a shit if their parents paid for it, the self importance exhibited in that video is astounding.
Would they do it if they lived in a shithole?
No........they are are trying to sell an image that is not auxiliary to their music......
Fucking spoiled rich kids who have had everything handed to them. There's no way in FUCK that they could afford their house on their own with no jobs and smoking weed/drinking all day like a bunch of useless ass holes. Not just that, but they seem like the most boring absent minded fucks you'd ever meet. I guess interesting music doesn't equal interesting people.

damn, u mad bro?

My friend was renting a house for well under $2k along with 6 other people that was bigger than the one in this video.... had he actually acquired the house his mortgage would've obviously been quite a bit less than that.

Yeah, the life of luxury.... I'm not trying to piss in your cheerios or anything, but if 5+ people couldn't afford to pay $2.5k per month in rent, then they simply would need to reevaluate their jobs. I'm broke as hell and I bring in around that much myself, living with my girlfriend who just got a job earning double what I make in a month working even less hours than me. My rent isn't nearly as high, but I pay it myself, while the lady stacks checks year round.

Would they do it if they lived in a shithole?
No........they are are trying to sell an image that is not auxiliary to their music......

I think "cribs"-style video is a suitable vehicle for a look at a bands personal life... it's for the fans obviously, and it's not much different than say a behind the scenes look at a studio or practice space, the band just happens to live together. I don't see the issue or why this would be out of place. The state of their house is irrelevant, they probably just cleaned up the place for the video.