Born of Osiris

I know Jason Richardson who replaced Chris Storey in All Shall Perish just left ASP to join Born of Osiris.
Super talented dudes. Played with them a few times, but overall not my thing really. I would def be interested in seeing what you could pull out of them.
The New Reign had some awesome writing, but really awful production, and A Higher Place was too much of a "quick, we need 13 tracks so it looks impressive" effort for me. I have this theory that they're deliberating trying to push music without bass as far as they can. All bass will be recorded on guitar, all kick drums will be mid-toms, all cymbals will be splashes and the guitars will be in Drop F, UP from E.
For some reason they come up every time the word Technical is used, I just don't see the technicality.
Love this band.
I hate most of what is considered deathcore, but All Shall Perish and Born of Osiris are excellent bands IMO.
The guitar tone on Born of Osiris' first album was super dark and muffled though, just too smooth sounding, which had a pretty negative impact on the overall mix
Personally I really like Born of Osiris. Their new album sounds way better than their older one, and I think the guitar playing and songwriting goes to cool places. Just my opinion. A Sturgis production of them would be awesome.

They sort of remind me of a slightly less technical "The Faceless".
They have some very strange parts in their music.

I would say progressive as hell.

Definitely rocking them on my iPod. :)

Btw, I only have "The New Reign" EP/Album.
And I love their use of keys. Some bands can't pull it off, but they do it very nicely.

Pretty damn good live, too.
They are great. I love their older cd but the new one is not the best and the recording is to bright and noisy i could say. I would like to hear what the Sturginator can do with them..

About u ssaid.. that if you work with them you ll be doing real amps? why that? they are too technical maybe?
They would be a cool band to record. but their newest cd had some really sweet riffs on it just the songs as whole songs weren't very good and the mix was shitty. But hey joey if you get to work with them give them a mix that crushes all their other cd's
i heard michael keene wrote all the cool riffs on "the new reign".

This is probably not true. Most of the songs off of The New Reign were old songs from their demo when they were called Rosecrance. Kind of ridiculous how short the CD was when you know they only really wrote 3 new songs for it.

I dig the first CD though, even with a sub-par mix, it adds to the vibe of the CD, making it feel unique. I really do not like what Andreas Magnussen did with the second CD though. That coupled with the writing on the second CD makes it difficult for me to get passed the second song.

I do think a Sturgis production would be a good match to BOO's style though.
I like the blend of metal/deathcore and what could almost be called mainstream rock music, (take the last half of A Higher Place and add a rock vocalist).

Would love to hear the kind of product you (Joey) could get from them using real amps. Cos i've heard they are ridiculous players, which makes editing/mixing easier.
I only have "The New Reign" and i like the songs, but the production is a bit weak, as well as the overall playing time...too short.
its the only band of that kind (genre wise) i like