Born of Osiris

you should make a POD patch that emulates an Engl..

I really love the first one, even if sounds not that good. The second one left me bit disappointed, because of the sound. In my opinion it sounds to thin and not brutal enough. I hope the third will be somewhere in between the the old and the actual one. Booth sound- and songwise.
I think the first album sounds like shit, Most people will hate me but im not a fan of the "Keene Machine" recordings. They are super dark, digital and extremely over quantized. I think the newer album sounded WAY sicker than the first. But I definitely think Joey would do a better job. Hopefully Joey you can produce them as well, so that their song writing has some more structure. I do however like their riffs, just feel they need some structure IMO.
The songs on their second release had a better sound to it, I just thought that the songs weren't as catchy as the first. IMO, they could use a few more catchy synth parts, and they could pop out more. I think with the quality of production you can offer, and their writing capabilities, their album will be a success.

When will you decide if you're going to work with them? After u're done with Attack Attack? (which is sounding awesome btw..)
they have a really packed touring schedule, and i only have a very specific slot open
so unless they shift some things around, it wont be happening

we've already discussed, the label wants a mixture of the first and second record, with more structure.
ive seen them live and much to my surprise they pulled it all off (this was before their newest album came out).
i really genuinly enjoyed listening to their first album although the production wasnt great, even the donkey kong'esq sounding bits.
they're a great band, i just didnt care too much for their newest record, but a sturgis produced album by them i would check out.
