Born video on youtube

Eh, pretty "budget" looking. I was expecting somethnig a bit more epic too.
it is not like century media gave them a hella money to do it. It is cool vid. What i like about it are the parts where the cheese get eaten by the worms, and the shots of the sky and clouds. Very trv. Probably MTV won't play it, but maybe metal channels will. it is a cool vid. They should release another one for either sentient 6 or sell my heart for stones as a 3rd single of tge, these songs are more catchy to non metallers, and might take nevermore somewhere in the charts.
Honestly, its ok, but not great. I agree with moonlapse, kinda expected more. At least not edited concert performances of the band synced tot he music.
what do you mean cheap? ever heard of black metal demos recorded with boomboxes in the cemetery with 10 goats dying as backing vocals while there is a blizzard outside? come on this is trv!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: Please tell the rest of the band! I wasn't consulted on this video, and seeing it here for the first time! No comment at this time, either.

Were the rest of the guys even consulted on this?
I'm wondering if centurymedia just went ahead and put this out on their own?
oh and Welcomeback Steve:kickass:
Happy New year!
That forum just seems a little silly - I've looked at the main page a number of times, and right now the threads I'm seeing are 'My zombie thread', 'It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread', 'Poll: Haircuts', 'Pictures of my frozen balls are in this thread', 'If I were a zombie', 'Poll: Circumcision'...

At least here we have some gear talk, the solo contests, technique and theory, et cetera, and it's around on a fairly frequent basis. The other forum I go to is the Sneap forum and that's devolving pretty badly too. I just don't have time to keep track of that many threads about 'circumcising kitten zombies with frozen balls and bad haircuts'. Maybe some other time.

there is a 4 page thread discussing this video on the Nevermore forum, it's been there for about a month.
I don't really care to post in the nevermore forum either, it reminds me of another version of the pantera forum. All people ever have to do is talk crap, and try to annoy eachother..or make fake accounts. Which is ok...if you're a child. I still check the nevermore forum once a week or so to see if anything good is posted. I check this forum everyday..and have for the last few years. I'm just hesitant to post alot of the time..cause I don't want to deal with the same type of drama crap like most places...but i forget alot that this place isn't like that.

I also check the sneap forum alot too, but don't really have anything to i just try to absorb.