Born video on youtube

Very Generic video...

and where the fuck is Steve?!

oh yeah, he didn't record on that, and never played it onstage.

Actually, I think Nevermore forgot they had another guitarist when they released that video.
:puke: :puke: :puke:
you can see a moment of steve headbanging, but indeed there is not enough steve, nor van too. Van is not there too. There is a little bit of broderick at some point when they have this shot from behind the drums, where you can't see van at all, only his hair. but i didn't like the way they put the band with no steve and van, but i like the metaphores about the world, tv, cheese and stuff like that
Ok .............................................................................................................................


I could have made a better video sticking my dick in a toaster !!!

No steve??? WTF !!!!

Now im definitely interested in seeing this DVD. If the lack of Steve in this is any indication, I can tell you I WILL NOT be buying the DVD.


Fucking Pricks ....

I am becoming Less and Less of a Nevermore Fan by day, i fucking swear, the only reason im still listening is Steve. This really upsets me.
that is kinda of harsh guru,
but i agree with you at the lack of steve footage in there. however, i think the video was put togheter from 2 gigs at which steve didn't perform. and that was maybe because of financial reasons. i really don't know anything about it, but there is one gig in the video where you can clearly see broderick's guitar, not his face or hair, but hi s blue ibanez( warrel is wearing the immortal shirt), and the parts where jim is in the front look suspiciously like the ones at the festivals where they performed as a 4 piece and didn't even play born.
Weeeellllllllllll............apart from being slightly informative on a couple of natural world topics (come on, own up - who knew that ants eat cheese or that a tiger could carry its dinner up a tree in its mouth?!?!?!?) it was.........dare I say it.....a bit crap. None of it seemed to have anything to do with the lyrics, except for the lazy pigs/police linking and I have to agree it looks hastily pieced together by the record company's YTS* video-editing kid. I didn't get it, anyway.

Still, it could have been worse - it could have been Guru's choice of video, hahaha!!:p

*YTS - Youth Training Scheme: it used to be a scheme over here for kids who left school early with no qualifications to help them get work experience.
the idea behind the ants eating the chese is that humans are like the ants and the chese is our planet and we are eating it. and that relates to the part: if nothing in the world can change our children can inherit nothing, cause if we fuck up the planet our children will have nowhere to live, thus inherit nothing. it is full of alegory and metatphores and i like it, i just don't like the lack of steve and van in it