Boss BR1600CD?

Casting Shadows

New Metal Member
Dec 31, 2008
Hey all.
I searched the forum for this but got nothing really but i was just wondering if anyone has or uses one of those boss br1600cd recording studios and what they are actually like.
Im kind of interesting in getting one myself just for recording at home. Im trying to start buidling up a mini home studio and figured one of these would be decent enough to use as a bridge between the instrument and computer instead of a mixing desk.
Can someone shed some light on this one for me please?

P.s: This site is pretty damn dialled, i have been on here everyday since i discovered it a few weeks back now.
Yes, i had one when i started out with recording... it's pretty good for what it's worth, BUT.. if you are going to record for a longer period of time, meaning years.. i would just get a decent PC with some plugins.
Again, it's good equipment, but i had to use a external drumcomputer which was too much work to setup every time, and make drumbeats with.. then i had to use the guitars on the 1600, again.. allright, but nothing too special really.
Bass was guitar which i had to pitchshift, do-able but could be better, etc, etc, etc.

My problem with it was that i never learned anything from it.. it was all presets, altering a little bit and record with it.. i could never really progress in theory and musicwise.
I have heard people do great things with it, but nothing i have not heard from people with a PC/MAC... just saying dude, you might want to invest (hey look marcus, i spelled it wright! ... <-DOH!!) into a PC and just go for the big step in one go instead of spending money on the 1600.

My two cents.
I agree.

I had a Boss BR 800 (or something, it recorded on old zip disks, very noisy hum).
It lasted a year, then when it died on me for no apparent reason I switched to ProTools LE 6.0 (wich I still use to this day).
Never made a better choice.
yer thanks for the info.
I already have a 17" macbook pro that i have just started to use logic on and i have a fairly decent desktop pc that i built for video editing so between those 2 i have the computuer side of things taken care of.

i mainly wanted it for tracking drums as it has the 8 track sim recording or whatever and it seems quite portable so i could use it for doing rough band practise recordings and such.
It was also just for recording through to get it on the computer/s. I use a line 6 toneport at the moment but was just looking for something a bit more pro hahah.
yer that lexicon might be a good idea.
i noticed that a few people are using the PreSonus interfaces in there set up, is there much of a difference between the presonus and the lexicon aside form price. like which would be more recommended?