Boston area thrash/true metal heads (re: Wargasm show)


Sep 28, 2004
Boston MA
To make an irritating story short, I wound up with an extra ticket to tonight's Wargasm + Steel Assassin show at the Middle East. In an effort to see SOMEONE get a benefit out of me buying two tickets, I will go ahead and give my ticket to someone who wants to go to the show and doesn't have one. You can just have it or donate me lunch money or something. I'll check the board periodically throughout today.

(x-posting on a few boards)
New question!

For those who regularly go to shows at the Palladium, what late-night dinner options are there? I only know of the UNO around the corner which seems to close at midnight. I'd prefer to avoid bars, but beyond that I can stand most places including dives. Any other late night eatery options?
Well Ive always eaten dinner before a show, over at the Irish Times. It typically is full of low key metalheads before a show... not the oontzing clubbers we see lining the street after a show. Are you talking about places within driving distance? There are options.... if you give me some ideas, I can send you in the right direction.
Well I'm hoping for walking distance since I don't have a car. And while I don't mind hitting up that hot dog/sausage vendor right outside the door if I'm short on time, I prefer someplace I can sit down for a bit. Appreciate your advice.
Well if you are over 21, the Irish Times really is a good place. They have the bar stools, tables, and booths. Its not uncommon to find band members munching away preshow (or drinking after their sets).

If you are sub 21.... you are pretty much out of luck. The only stuff open on Main St. in that area is bars and clubs at that time of night.... all the small sandwich shops and stuff close many hours earlier. I assume you take the train in for shows?
Link looks good, I'll check this out. Yeah I take the train in - I usually take the one that arrives at 7:35pm but when shows get out at like 11:30 and the train doesn't leave until 12:50 that leaves me with a lot of bored downtime; sitting down for some food is a great way for me to fill that up.
Funny, I have not been to Cheers myself even though I can just hop on the T and go right over. It must have to do with living here rather than being a tourist. I won't be out for Opeth, but I will be out for Hellish Rock. I can't go to ProgPower, but I can at least see this part of it up here, and then 2 weeks later I'll be in Detroit for JOP/CIIC/Manticora/Halloween \m/