Boston Terror suspects speak out, media unhappy, suggest judge won't be either


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)

This has GOT to be one of the greatest things I've watched in ages! Its not what the two men have got to say before the press. Its what the press is saying in response.

"Are you taking theses charges seriously?"

"I don't think you're taking us seriously."

"Did you advise your clients to not take this matter seriously?"

"Why aren't your clients being serious?"

"Aren't you sorry you took these men as clients when they're not being serious?"

"Are you wasting this valuable moment with us?"

"I think the judge will take this very seriously."

FUCK every one of these media swine! They were so pissed the two guys weren't drooling for media respect, you can hear the reporters' voices getting more and more aggravated, almost like "Love me! respect me! Hey! Hey! We're over here! Look! Look at us! Looook!!"

These are the greatest guys!!! I'd (almost) like to contribute toward their bail bond!

No doubt about it.....These guys are GREAT!!!

Jurch, you live close enough to know how this liberal cesspool of Mass works.. This is a piece of shit Democrat state, With a piece of shit liberal Govenor who'll be more interested in putting the screws to these guys (And legalizing gay marriages and lets not forget eliminating guns from this shithole
state) And when a real terrorist strike occurs (Hoping for never) he'll claim the state was too busy dealing with these guys to have seen it coming..

Big Dig anyone??

I hope they get off!!

This has GOT to be one of the greatest things I've watched in ages! Its not what the two men have got to say before the press. Its what the press is saying in response.

"Are you taking theses charges seriously?"

"I don't think you're taking us seriously."

"Did you advise your clients to not take this matter seriously?"

"Why aren't your clients being serious?"

"Aren't you sorry you took these men as clients when they're not being serious?"

"Are you wasting this valuable moment with us?"

"I think the judge will take this very seriously."

FUCK every one of these media swine! They were so pissed the two guys weren't drooling for media respect, you can hear the reporters' voices getting more and more aggravated, almost like "Love me! respect me! Hey! Hey! We're over here! Look! Look at us! Looook!!"

These are the greatest guys!!! I'd (almost) like to contribute toward their bail bond!


T-man, you know it, brother! Boston is a sink-hole of waste and stupidity, and ONCE AGAIN, they've been totally humiliated, made to look like complete asses!

So, the two men are charged with crimes against Boston's unhealing, festering, wounded pride, and as a result, embarrassed and stupid officials starting with Patrick, are out for blood and revenge!

Case in point:

Tracy O'Connor, 34, a retail manager, called Boston's response "silly and insane," contrasting it with the response in the other cities where no one reported any concerns about the devices - an advertising gimmick for the TV show "Aqua Teen Hunger Force."

"We're the laughing stock," she said.

But public safety officials, as well as a large segment of Boston's older generation, condemned the publicity campaign as unthinkable in today's post-9/11 world.

"Just a little over a mile away from the placement of the first device, a group of terrorists boarded airplanes and launched an attack on New York City," police Commissioner Edward Davis said in an interview with The Associated Press.

"The city clearly did not overreact. Had we taken any other steps, we would have been endangering the public," he said.

They DID overreact, and are fuckin circus clowns once more!

If I was one of those two men, I'd milk the living shit out of this opportunity. Sign up for movie contracts with the SOuth Park boys, get book deals squared away, hosting shots for MTV, and contracts for commercials.

Once that's all done, I'd go TOTALLY FUCKIN MARTYR-style, mocking the city of Boston, the judge, and everyone in between!

"My honor, your Judgeness, I strongly recommend the most severe punishment for the two hoodlums standing before you! Execution! Death! Death! Death to the etcher-sketcher planters! Death to the magna-doodle terrorists! Death to the Lite-Brite bombers! Death to them all! Ha ha ha ha ha! If the court hasn't the BALLS to execute we the hate-filled villains of Old colonial Boston, then send us to Guantanamo Bay to bask in the warm Cuban sunshine with the other villains of the world! Yes!"

The judge will express his outrage, add an additional charge of being out of order in the court, and give them a prison term.

Upon leaving prison,

Cha-ching!!!! CASH TIME, muthafuckas!!!!!!

Those guys looked like hippies. I hate hippies. But they had something to do with Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I love Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I love Adult Swim. Mainly Aqua Teen Hunger force, Venture Brothers(!), and Robot Chicken. I hope they pick up Korgoth the Barbarian, or whatever it was called. But back to the hippies, good job. Press conference was great. A+
Those guys looked like hippies. I hate hippies. But they had something to do with Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I love Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I love Adult Swim. Mainly Aqua Teen Hunger force, Venture Brothers(!), and Robot Chicken. I hope they pick up Korgoth the Barbarian, or whatever it was called. But back to the hippies, good job. Press conference was great. A+

I don;t think they were hippies. Probably they were slackers. Which aren't much better than hippies. But at least they're not tarnished bythe spring of 1968 like the hippies.

Anyway, they stuck it to the media, and to those corrupt assholes in Boston, so they're tops in my book.

Sealab 2029. Sweeeet. Space Ghost Coast-to-Coast. Fond memories.
