Bouncing The Ocean - Going Nowhere - Sci-Fi Future prog

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
This band sounds fairly unique. The production is a bit echoey and bass heavy with the guitars not sounding very sharp at all. The keyboards are futuristic sounding and perhaps the most interesting aspect of the band. The lead section towards the end of the first song is clean and shreddy. The second song is a bit more melodic and straightforward than the first song. The drumming however sounds very bad indeed. Muffled and synthetic. Prog nerds will probably like the first one more and will need to listen well.

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It's got flaws, sure. But overall I could use more of this kind of stuff in my ears. I love the Pagan's Mind vibe as well. Plus anyone who manages to get Kuiper Belts and Oort Clouds into metal is good people in my book.
After having written the name of this group down wrong I finally found the real name and got the album. Man, if this production were better this would be a perfect piece of the sci-fi meloprog ala Pagan's Mind. Maybe their next one can have the appropriate level of polish.
The first thing I thought, not 30 seconds into this, was "Pagans Mind". Nice find! The iffy production doesn't bother me one bit, nor do the "drums of unknown origin".

To save anyone else the hassle I self-inflicted, lol.