Bowlrider - Guaranteed Delivery

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Bowlrider - Guaranteed Delivery
2003 - Concrete Garage Recordings
By Philip Whitehouse

Go to the Bowlrider website

Okay, so this isn't really a metal release, but it's almost certainly going to strike a chord with a lot of old-school hard rockers and metalheads on this site. Guaranteed Delivery is a self-financed three-track demo by this Brighton, UK-based quartet. Mixing up Motorhead and Fu Manchu in equal amounts, and throwing in occasional nods to the likes of Blue Oyster Cult, this is an unashamedly retro recording that instantly caused a big fuck-off grin to cross the face of this particular reviewer, since it's been a long time since anything so devoid of pretentiousness, so lacking in po-faced posturing, and so downright enjoyable hit my CD player.

The slightly buzzy and trebly production of this demo is almost a plus point in the band's favour - it encapsulates the feel of the band a lot better than, say, a trip to Peter Tagtren's Abyss Studios would have done. The steamroller groove of 'Powerful Medicine' and its 'hey motherfuckaaah!' call-and-response chorus are a particular highlight of the songs, as too are the frequent, blues-scale abusing solos courtesy of Nathan Coles (especially the one accompanied by handclapping in 'Big Bones & Bad Skulls!). That's not to say the other members are less impressive, however - Dom Lawson does a sterling job on bass guitar, setting out deep grooves that demand response from the listener and proving there is life after his last band, the lamented noise/grind loonies Matter. Clive Reeve handles rhythm guitar confidently and with a great ear for an air-guitar worthy riff, while Jez Palmer's drums clatter away with frequent, impromptu-sounding brief fills that never ring uncomfortably.

Obviously, this is something that the current crop of nu-metal/emo worshipping kids will not understand at all - in fact, they'll probably pass it off as old-fashioned music their dads listen to. But they're missing the point - while they're off annoying their parents and getting depressed, the rest of us can enjoy Bowlrider as one of the few bands around that remember that rock 'n' roll is meant to be entertaining. Looking forward to seeing them live - just wish I was able to grow long hair for the appropriate, enthusiastic headbanging!

Loved it too, they really are the bollocks. The lead vocalist Clive Reeve is a rare talent indeed and a dish.
They threatened me when I wanted to speak to them after a show but this is their humour I think.
They were all naked at the backstage area of the Concorde and playing some kind of game.
Great band.