BP's massive f**k up reaches Destin Beach Florida


Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
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Stupid parents don't care.

A few things anger me about this:

1. The oil spill
2. Stupid fucking parents.
3. The beach is OPEN.
4. When I used to go to the beach, and swim in the ocean, or whatever, I would inevitably get water in my mouth, or up my nose. Either way, I would ingest some of it involuntarily. I would imagine it's a pretty common thing to do. Well, here we have children playing in oil covered beaches because of oil filled water. Children are going to get poisoned. It's going to happen. Some may even die, because it's so important to go to the beach.

Also, this is Pensacola Florida. Which I will never visit. Ever.


To top it off, the oil is constantly being buried by sand at high tide, so who knows how deep it ends up under the top layer of beach sand? The coast is wrecked, probably for the whole of our generation.

Edit: forgot about not using curse words in the title of the post. My bad. Tried to edit it out but can't :(
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i'm kind of disgusted with that mom.

not only does she seem to be casually letting her kids run around in oil-filled water...but she tells her daughter yelling to get it off that she cant do anymore.

after she tried lightly scraping it with a plastic sand shovel.

that is just pathetic.
The parents don't care about the fact the child is distressed from the oil on her. Yes that is pretty typical and sad these days. Is the crude oil itself dangerous at the levels they are seeing there ? Maybe, but probably not. If so, I would be dead probably. I deal with oil everyday.... crude oil, no and there are much more toxins in crude as compared to your processed industrial oils, but this is more about bad parenting due to lack of caring about her daughters comfort and well being as opposed to her health. Not that it appears her Mom is intelligent enough to know if her daughter is safe or not to be there is another story.

Ingesting the oil is certainly a real worry, especially for kids. However, I wouldn't be too worried about getting a bit of oil on me, or on my kid. Big deal. That little isn't going to cause any harm. It will make a mess, but that's it.

I'm more upset by everybody worrying about everybody else's problems. "OMFG! You're kid is playing where there is oil! Call the TV news!"
I'm more upset by everybody worrying about everybody else's problems. "OMFG! You're kid is playing where there is oil! Call the TV news!"

Firstly: "Your", not "You're".

Secondly: There is clearly a health risk here. When parents who are too stupid to realize it subject their children to it, then yes, it's a problem that needs to be corrected and they should be shamed for being idiots.


Same principal.
After the video, lI have to wonder if at any point he bad mother has been thinking... "I just want my life back."

It's not a very good idea to run around in a thunderstorm even though your chances of being struck by lightning are still pretty infantesimal. I'm all for easing up on parental paranoia, but there's a difference between taking a risk in a potentially rewarding situation, and then washing your hands in benzene. NO, doing it once won't give you instant cancer but it's still not a very good idea.
Ingesting the oil is certainly a real worry, especially for kids. However, I wouldn't be too worried about getting a bit of oil on me, or on my kid. Big deal. That little isn't going to cause any harm. It will make a mess, but that's it.

This has become a nation full of pussies.

I'm more upset by everybody worrying about everybody else's problems. "OMFG! You're kid is playing where there is oil! Call the TV news!"

^ this
Firstly: "Your", not "You're".

Secondly: There is clearly a health risk here. When parents who are too stupid to realize it subject their children to it, then yes, it's a problem that needs to be corrected and they should be shamed for being idiots.


Same principal.

Firstly: "principle", not "principal".

Secondly: I have no problem with publicly calling them out for being idiots, but you seem to be implying something more extreme, without explicitly stating it.

Thirdly: "firstly", "secondly", and "thirdly" are somewhat archaic, completely useless adverbs, which can easily be replaced by "first", "second", and "third", with no change in meaning.
Huh, interesting perspectives here. Well, I don't care what anyone else thinks, I raised two kids and took them and their friends and cousins to the beach for many years. No fucking way would I bring kids to that beach. Toxic or not, it's just gross and gonna be a pain in the ass to get out of the car's carpet, upholstery, clothes, towels, swimsuits, on and on. Those parents are idiots.
Huh, interesting perspectives here. Well, I don't care what anyone else thinks, I raised two kids and took them and their friends and cousins to the beach for many years. No fucking way would I bring kids to that beach. Toxic or not, it's just gross and gonna be a pain in the ass to get out of the car's carpet, upholstery, clothes, towels, swimsuits, on and on. Those parents are idiots.

Bravo! Real world parenting right there, l don't care what you say hahaha!
You'd think their hotel or motel might have a POOL or something..... Just sayin'.....

Gotta admit, I LOL'd at the grammar and usage corrections. When jumping on someone for using incorrect English, it's a good idea to get your own house in order first. Or "firstly." :lol:
What is really sad about the whole scenario is the back seat our government has taken in the whole oil spill tragedy. Now before any of you think I am using this as an excuse to bash Obama, the Democrats or whatever, the Republicans in the Senate and Congress haven't done anything either. The House Committee on Natural Recourses, The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works haven't really been on the forefront of much of anything, nor has The President. Sure there has been some finger-pointing, but what else ? Once the first attempt to shut the well failed by BP (when they tried to manually close the safety valve with a remotely controlled vessel) I thought surely, Congress would hold an emergency meeting, create a think tank of the world's best undersea experts and engineers that are in a similar field...... hey where is the Cousteau family ? Nope. The government flopped on this one and it is costing/going to cost the wildlife and gulf area industry dearly.

Stuff about the government doing nothing.

Please dude, the important things are that people get paid for being out of work. Which is happening. Why would anyone care about billions of gallons of oil spewing into the ocean if you can't afford to buy a new shirt? Priorities!

Seriously though, I have no idea why there is so much apathy about why it's STILL not fixed.
Now my state.. :bah:

So glad I'm on the East coast. I want to say I can't believe this has been just kind of allowed to go on (I know they've 'tried', but being completely incompetent and unprepared for such a thing is a big contributing factor), and I want to say how horrifying it all is, but none of it is surprising. At all. :(

Poor ocean, and the families that are over there. :(