I have really gotten into these guys since PPV last year. Great live band but I like thier albums also. I agree and think Metus Mortis is the best so far. I like Soul Temptation and the new one Liquid Monster too, but not quite as much. I have Ambiguity also, but haven't gotten enough spins of that one yet. I want to get Unholy but can't find it anywhere. That song on the video JD posted is from that album and I would like to check it out even if it does have a different singer. Anybody know where to pick it up?
SavaRon said:
I have really gotten into these guys since PPV last year. Great live band but I like thier albums also. I agree and think Metus Mortis is the best so far. I like Soul Temptation and the new one Liquid Monster too, but not quite as much. I have Ambiguity also, but haven't gotten enough spins of that one yet. I want to get Unholy but can't find it anywhere. That song on the video JD posted is from that album and I would like to check it out even if it does have a different singer. Anybody know where to pick it up?

I tried to get it on Ebay but the fucker went for like $40 bucks! :OMG:
in fact here it is
BRAINSTORM KICKS ASS! Metis Mortis is a great CD. As well as soul temptation, Ambiguity, I have a copy of Unholy but have never heard Hungry. There latest "Liquid Monster" is a good choice as well. Andy is a phenomenal frontman and "No one hits the highs without the lows!" If you're digging Brainstorm, be sure to check out SYMPHORCE! Twice Second being their latest release. They (symphorce) are in the works of there latest album "Godspeed" which is set to be released in September.
Ambiguity has some great, great tracks as well. "Beyond my destiny", "Lost Unseen", "Maharaja Palace" and my ultimate mosh song from them 'ARENA"

Their latest :Liquid Monster has several great tracks, "All those Words" is circulating on radio now (European) and the album is breaking the charts over there. 'Painside" is a great tune with a great hook for the chorus, very catchy.

After the first time I heard "Beyond my Destiny" I knew I had to have everything this band had released!

I picked up a couple of older CD's through CD Inzane, Harder-edged music and Metalblade.
kittybeast said:
Ambiguity has some great, great tracks as well. "Beyond my destiny", "Lost Unseen", "Maharaja Palace" and my ultimate mosh song from them 'ARENA"

I was just listening to that album! it is pretty good Great Heavy Riffs pounding drums Andys killer Vocals ... but for some reason they just quite do it for me ... ofcourse I will buy every album just the same but they are going to take me a looooooong time to get into I just know it ... But live they are awsome! I would love to see them again!