Make your own BS set list!

:tickled: he'll recognize you RIGHT WAY! Not many metalheads fit that description :yow:

We will organize some sort of meeting before the show again, as always, no? Anyway.... if anyone's gonna whine for anything, we better join forces and start some collective whining to get Ama-fucking-rillo as an encore on Wacken!!! Cora and I didn't get it done at the last tour (but there was obviously no time for one at the show we were), but we'll be there again with our Amarillo banner!!! :grin:
They'll learn not to disobey The Brainstorm Metal Girls!! :loco: Or disOBEY their webMASTER :grin:
Marlies said:

We will organize some sort of meeting before the show again, as always, no? Anyway.... if anyone's gonna whine for anything, we better join forces and start some collective whining to get Ama-fucking-rillo as an encore on Wacken!!! Cora and I didn't get it done at the last tour (but there was obviously no time for one at the show we were), but we'll be there again with our Amarillo banner!!! :grin:
They'll learn not to disobey The Brainstorm Metal Girls!! :loco: Or disOBEY their webMASTER :grin:

okay it could work..whats your plan ???
Marlies said:

We will organize some sort of meeting before the show again, as always, no? Anyway.... if anyone's gonna whine for anything, we better join forces and start some collective whining to get Ama-fucking-rillo as an encore on Wacken!!! Cora and I didn't get it done at the last tour (but there was obviously no time for one at the show we were), but we'll be there again with our Amarillo banner!!! :grin:
They'll learn not to disobey The Brainstorm Metal Girls!! :loco: Or disOBEY their webMASTER :grin:

:erk: we need something off of AMBIGUITY to be played! I am VERY partial to Beyond my Destiny ;)