Brainstorm at PPUK III


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK

So, the second slot on the Saturday changes hands again. We never take these kinds of decisions lightly, and there have been a lot of e-mails and conversations about it, but we took the decision jointly between the band and PPUK. Here is the official statement from Stefan (Vocals - Wolverine)

"It’s with very mixed feelings we have to announce that Wolverine will not be playing at ProgPower UK 2008 after all. We had really been looking forward to this show after hearing only great things about it. We do however have a really good reason for not being there. The thing is that, if all goes well, Stefan and his wife Jamina are having a child by the end of March. They just found out and are of course thrilled about this. At first we thought that we might make it to the gig anyway but since the birth then was scheduled until only 11 days before the show and it’s the first time Jamina gives birth it’s possible (and even likely) that it won’t take place until during or after the show. The option of Stefan going to the show and risking not being there when the child arrives isn’t really an option for obvious reasons.

We hope we can make it up to those of you who were looking forward to seeing us play at a later date. Until then we’ll put all our energy into completing the next album which, so far, is taking shape pretty nicely.

We also want to express our gratitude towards the crew at ProgPower UK for being so understanding and supportive about this situation, they have really been tremendous. It just confirms all the great things people have been telling us about this festival and the people behind it.

We are really sorry to have to let our fans down by cancelling this show but at the same time we hope you understand the complexity of the situation we’re in. And as we mentioned earlier, we’ll do all we can to make it up to you! Thank you.

Stefan & Wolverine

All at PPUK wish Stefan, Jamina, and their imminent arrival all the very best!

So, the hunt was on for a quality replacement. After much deliberation, we only approached one band. Germany's BRAINSTORM are now going to be laying down some serious heavy power/thrash in place of Wolverine. In only their third UK appearance, and having just completed a co-headlining European tour with EVERGREY prior to PPUK III, this should make for one very special night...

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