brainstorm like

I don´t know any american power metal apart from Iced Earth....and Iced Earth is definitely very different from Brainstorm!
gimligloin said:
I don´t know any american power metal apart from Iced Earth....and Iced Earth is definitely very different from Brainstorm!

hehe ..try Cydonia more like european power metal...i think that is what he meant
I can't see another band playing similar Metal as Brainstorm, still there are other Power Metal bands bringing back the power and agression in european Power Metal : Angel Dust, Lefay, Tad Morose, Manticora, all putting the emphasis on killer riffs and emotion rather than on "happy" melodies.

I don't know for US bands though, I stick with my Metal Church and Vicious Rumors classics :)
How about Cage? Not as thrashy as Brainstorm but they're dark Heavy Metal with a giant pair of balls :D And an awesome singer.
Well Gimligloin said it rather correctly.....although iced earth makes a darker kinda has some same way of composing like Brainstorm...

But its defenitely true that Brainstorm is more eruopean, for which i'm glad...

Btw strange we didnt mention Brainstorms friends "Gravedigger"..?
Fangface said:
I can't see another band playing similar Metal as Brainstorm, still there are other Power Metal bands bringing back the power and agression in european Power Metal : Angel Dust, Lefay, Tad Morose, Manticora, all putting the emphasis on killer riffs and emotion rather than on "happy" melodies.

I don't know for US bands though, I stick with my Metal Church and Vicious Rumors classics :)
How about Cage? Not as thrashy as Brainstorm but they're dark Heavy Metal with a giant pair of balls :D And an awesome singer.
I got the CAGE cd when they opened outside the amplitheatre during the MAIDEN tour I've played it a couple times but can't seem to get into it. pure classic metal to me. In everysong I hear some Priest or Maiden on some tracks so much so that the tunes remind me of one of the other bands songs. I just got turned onto NEIL TURBIN and MASTERPLAN \m/ Neils site is on Ultimate Metal as well pop on over!\m/
*raises his eye-brows*
hmmm this is going to be interresting...could you explain this statement Gimligloin....
hmmm, that ist my first association when I hear Grave Digger:

Some warriors singing songs of war :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
It could also be "simple" Teutons, vicings was just of what I thought first!
hehe I thought the same Gauny ;)

As for Cage, of course you can hear some Priest and Maiden in it, as they play straightforward Heavy Metal. But I also hear some Vicious Rumors and some Queensryche in them, and their dark tones are not common with Priest or Maiden. I do think they have their own style, even without being anything original.
To me Brainstorm stand on their own as a major force in modern day heavy metal music. There is no one quite like them and they are quite amazing. I got turned onto them via their latest album Soul Temptation and it just blew me away. I must conquer the rest of their albums and get more familair with the older stuff. I just saw them live last week at the BWBK 2 Fest in Ohio and they were amazing and took the American crowd by storm.

Also with the latest album I don't think any band has had a more amazing three songs to open a cd with. "Highs Without Lows", "Doorway To Survive", and "The Leading". "Doorway To Survive" may be the tightest song I have ever seen live before.

As far as Grave Digger go they definetly sound German but are also one of my favorite bands. Seeing them live last week on their American debut was a dream come true for me. As a matter a fact one week ago at this exact moment I am typing this they were on stage and I was front row banging my head and going ape shit.

Its so great that there are so many bands out there American, European and whatever else that are still playing pure real heavy metal. Whether it stays underground forever or comes out to play and get some air I will support it no matter what. Metal is a way of life for me and I sleep and breath it.

Long live the loud! \m/
gimligloin said:
hmmm, that ist my first association when I hear Grave Digger:

Some warriors singing songs of war :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
It could also be "simple" Teutons, vicings was just of what I thought first!

:) :headbang: welll fair enough... :)

please .......! Dont say that and the Amon Amarth forum...their definition of Viking metal is somehow..well lets say different. ;)
Right on the nail gravedigger! Brainstorm to me have such a unique sound of their own that they can in no way be compared to any of their German counterparts, and by this I am in no way putting down any of the usual suspects...just my way of saying that Brainstorm are not "your typical power metal band". You should check out Symphorce, Andy's other band...they are amazing and I am sure you would enjoy them if you haven't already heard them that is...but don't expect to hear anything remotely close to Brainstorm...Symphorce stand on their own sound ;)

As to the underground scene I think that one of these days it will break loose and bite everybody on the a$$ :p
CyR1c said:
:) :headbang: welll fair enough... :)

please .......! Dont say that and the Amon Amarth forum...their definition of Viking metal is somehow..well lets say different. ;)

Well, I never visited the AA forum and I think I will never do....

imo it´s useless to define music categories. For me it is enough to enjoy a band and describe it with your first association.
For me it´s also ok to describe Grave Digger as war-music or roaaaar-music, or :headbang: -music, or humpahumpa-music or whatever :p