brand new ABORYM website launched

it seems that only a few links actually work, at least when I tried it they did. Most of the regualr links worked, like bio,discography,etc. I like extras myself, plus I was crestfallen when I couldn't find news of new material going around. I think aborym can only get better, just as long as they don't copy the last record too much. WNHI is what it is, and probably couldnt be topped unless there was enough drugs to improve the situation....but that's just my opinion.:cool:
:hotjump: Hello,

While you're responding, has the band been up to any writing while touring?
I thought the last record was really killer, as did many friends of mine. Do you predicit any changes in writing for a next record? Nothing too grand of course, although some bands like to surprise while others are comfortable staying in place or even regressing a bit. I liked the "electronic" elements in WNHI, although the house/techno parts were a bit difficult. Any plans on increasing the electronic atmospheres/manipulations? Like a corss between brutal and progressive blackmetal with an old school industrial aesthetic? I dig the techno stuff, but I tine myself in more with the sounds rather than the beats,really. I think a very harsh digital approach would suit Aborym well. More of a noise thing than techno I guess.
I think that would be really sick for sure. In the best ways of course.
I conclude my thoughts. Have a good one,sir.

donnow how our new album will sounds.. I can just say it will be better then the previous one WNHI, extreme, absolutely mind-crushing and damned evil. We're going to start reharshing and fix everything after the gigs around Europe. Anyway thanks for asking.



Christopher said:
:hotjump: Hello,

While you're responding, has the band been up to any writing while touring?
I thought the last record was really killer, as did many friends of mine. Do you predicit any changes in writing for a next record? Nothing too grand of course, although some bands like to surprise while others are comfortable staying in place or even regressing a bit. I liked the "electronic" elements in WNHI, although the house/techno parts were a bit difficult. Any plans on increasing the electronic atmospheres/manipulations? Like a corss between brutal and progressive blackmetal with an old school industrial aesthetic? I dig the techno stuff, but I tine myself in more with the sounds rather than the beats,really. I think a very harsh digital approach would suit Aborym well. More of a noise thing than techno I guess.
I think that would be really sick for sure. In the best ways of course.
I conclude my thoughts. Have a good one,sir.

Great website ... great picture gallery as well.
I always thought your visuals and live presence add so much to your musical presentation. Any videos/dvd in the plans?

Looking forward to some new music ...
lurch70 said:
Great website ... great picture gallery as well.
I always thought your visuals and live presence add so much to your musical presentation. Any videos/dvd in the plans?

Looking forward to some new music ...
thanks Lurch70.. Visual is essential as the music itself, we think.
A dvd is in our forthcoming plans notebook, with images from the gigs in London and Oslo.. somwhen in future.
With no human intervention poster e t-shirts will be available soon from code666 records.

your band is killer sir..
A dvd is in our forthcoming plans notebook, with images from the gigs in London and Oslo.. somwhen in future.
With no human intervention poster e t-shirts will be available soon from code666 records.
very cool ... I am sure I will be one of the first to hear about it as I maintain the code webstore :)

and "mond meg Attilanak hogy minden jot" :)