Brand new local band "The Stoic". Lots of improvement, LOOKING FOR SOME OPINIONS.

You could get some more high end on there man. In the middle of something so I can't go into detail. It's clear but there's no top end. Also there's a lot of what sounds like 100hz - 150hz, cut that down a bit and there'll be more movement in the low end
I saw that you were LOOKING FOR SOME OPINIONS, so I'll say that the guitars seem to be hogging all of the mix.

The dubstep part is a little dumb to me because it seems like a pretty cheesy thing to use in this kind of music.
The way it goes back into the breakdown or whatever is AWESOME though. Very catchy.

Also at 2:20, the vocalist is like "Hold on guise, let me be Adam from Oceano for a minute."

The songwriting is very unoriginal.

I agree with cutting the mids though. It'll probably sound much better. It also seems like this mix is lacking some depth, but I don't know enough to recommend a solution for that. D:

I hate it when most of what I have to say is negative. lol
sounds good to me, frequency wise... the guitars are too prominent for me making the vocals sound a bit buried...

could use more front to back depth for sure... SatSon or VCC is your best friend, here...