Brave Murder Day cd question

In all of my hunting I have never seen a BMD CD that didnt have for funerals to come on it as well, or bonus tracks etc. I want someone to say that they OWN ONE, before I believe it. Trust me I have hunted, and never have I even heard of such a CD. I hope I am wrong and would love for someone to own one so that my hunt for it could renew itself, but my hopes for that are dim.
What Erik said. We've had a regular version of it in our record store for ages for example, like a lot of other stores. Next to it, the For Funerals To Come EP.
WOW! Well then where do I (in dump-ass america) get one? There hasnt been one on ebay in the last 6 mo. at least. Of course I have the FFTC ep, so I am interested of course in the "original" BMD. Is the artwork any different? Hook a brother up eh......
the artwork is slightly different, it was released through Avantgarde Music and the logo on the front isnt squished like the century media re-release. And the logo is black and white on the original release, not a purple transparent like color like on the re-release. I remember i found about 10 of the original releases in a local record shop by where I live but i never decided to buy it because i had the re-release already. And now that i want the original one, i went to the same shop and it wasnt there anymore, just the re-releases as well :(
I'm from Barcelona and I have both. The old CD bought in 97 with 6 tracks only and the release from EUA bought in 2003 with the For Funerals to Come as an extra tracks. Now, i don't know if still there is the Brave Murder Day without FFTC.