I never knew my Brave Murder Day was remastered until Paul Kuhr recently mentioned something about it in his forums. I found myself a copy and so happy I did, BMD sounds SO much better this way!
It comes with 3 bonus songs I've never heard but 'Nowhere' really stands out for me. What a fucking great song.
It's got Mike on vocals I believe but all the drums and guitars sound different than BMD tones. When were these tracks recorded?
Anyways maybe I'm the last to hear about this but any Kata fan should definitely pick this up. BMD sounds 100x better and the extra songs are fantastic!
It comes with 3 bonus songs I've never heard but 'Nowhere' really stands out for me. What a fucking great song.
It's got Mike on vocals I believe but all the drums and guitars sound different than BMD tones. When were these tracks recorded?
Anyways maybe I'm the last to hear about this but any Kata fan should definitely pick this up. BMD sounds 100x better and the extra songs are fantastic!