The only Katatonia albums I've heard up until know have been "Brave Murder Day" (which is superb, by the way), "Tonight's Decision" and "Last Fair Deal Gone Down." My point is, I recently downloaded some tracks from "Dance of December Souls" and... my god... it's brilliant! I just wanted to express my joy over this album with everybody else... Now, if only I could find a copy for sale around here... stupid Canada!
One thing that kind of confuses me is why they chose Mike Akerfeldt to do the vocals on "Brave Murder Day" and "Sounds of Decay"... I LOVE Mikael's voice and I think it suits the music perfectly, but BMD sounds NOTHING like "Dance of December Souls." Jonas' voice and Mikael's voice are just sooooo different! Jonas screams, Mike groans and growls... they're both great... but completely different...
Anyways, I'm rambling now... I'm just glad to be back on the board!
One thing that kind of confuses me is why they chose Mike Akerfeldt to do the vocals on "Brave Murder Day" and "Sounds of Decay"... I LOVE Mikael's voice and I think it suits the music perfectly, but BMD sounds NOTHING like "Dance of December Souls." Jonas' voice and Mikael's voice are just sooooo different! Jonas screams, Mike groans and growls... they're both great... but completely different...
Anyways, I'm rambling now... I'm just glad to be back on the board!