Breakdownish-deathcore with keys - WIP


Jean-Sébastien Beaulieu
Dec 4, 2009
Montreal, QC
It's from my own band, Bloodshed by reality. The song, 24, is pretty short (2 minutes), and vocals hasn't been mixed in yet. No automation done at all, the mix itself took around a hour, what was long is to do all the routing for my plugins, or just figuring HOW THE HELL I could do what I wanted to do, as I had not used Logic in AGES (long story short, I had a Macbook with Logic for mixing on the road, then sold it, then now have a new Mac).

Pretty basic song (pretty much our most basic one, kind of the "filler" of the EP lol), so don't expect anything TOO awesome music-wise. I kinda like the keyboard blast-beat thing, but heh, my taste.

I just want some pointers, I have some time limitations (we have to give one song to someone before 12th of july, and the rest of the band wants to hear all the songs before choosing), but if I have enough feedback fast enough, I'll probably be able to change a couple of things.
I added another song, Obliterated Centuries, with tweaked mix.

June 17
old mix
June 23 by Reality/24-newmix.mp3
June 23 (Fix) by Reality/24-newmix2.mp3
June 28 by Reality/24-newmix3.mp3 - starts at 10 seconds

Obliterated Centuries
June 28 - TWEAKED MIX (compared to 24-newmix3.mp3), no vox and tom gate issue. by Reality/obliterated-newmix3.mp3
June 29 - Vocals (no automation) - LATEST by Reality/obliterated-newmix4.mp3
Drums are not enough upfront compared to guitars. Kick is maybe a little loud. Snare is really buried and the mix could be a tad ''brighter'' but it's up to taste I think. Keys section is cool btw.
The drums definitely get buried easily under everything else, especially the snare. The right guitar sounds a lot fizzier and harsher than the left guitar to my ears, sounds like too much gain and comp.
I feel like the buried drums is really a guitar issue, they're pretty much too upfront and fizzy. I feel like my mastering is really bad and making everything sound scooped and fizzy :/ Have issues brightening my mix.
Still sounds really muffled, kick and snare are buried and vocals are too loud IMO. It feels like there's no presence at all in the guitars :/
I'm really struggling to get how the hell the kick and snare are muffled, everywhere I listen to the mix I hear them popping out so fucking much, and pretty much no guitars at all. I will try to fix the guitars, probably will have to boost the highs and cut the 4kHz fizz.
The drums are sitting between the guitars, and I dunno how I feel about that, but if that's what you were going for then stick with it. The guitars definitely need a high-end boost, and the drums could stand to come up a bit.
Kick is now over-powering the mix, still really muddy. I don't know, try a different chain for guitars and maybe another sample for the kick..
Listening through headphones atm but it seems better. There's something going on with the right guitar, it sounds really fizzy or maybe that's the bass's grind that is too loud. Cannot put my finger on it though.
Bass distorsion is actually really loud IMO. Du you have like two bass tracks hard panned ? Btw lead guitar and vocals sound really good.
Vocals were pretty much "less-is-more" - simple EQ and limited to death. For bass track, no, I have 2 but centered... Bass overall is pretty loud, I'll probably bring down disto a bit.