

Feb 13, 2011
what could someone put in the beginning of a breakdown to give it a bang, and NOT sub drop as we all are aware of that. Is there a specific pop or raise in volume level to the beginning of the first kick, or something I don't know.

Is there anything?
You could automate the volume of the first hit to be a bit louder than the rest of the measure. I think someone on here said they do that quite often.
You can try sliding each chug over a bit so that the kick is always hitting first right before the chug does. This makes each chug sound a bit more strong imo.
i like the sound of breaking glass mixed with a subdrop, explosion thunder crcks, a bitch splaped in the face...aynthing is possible! :D
Lots of good ideas so far. Even just putting in a subkick sample at the start of the beatdown can be effective in giving the first hit some more punch.
yeah these are some good ideas, do you usually compress the sub drop?

Edit: you would put more release and less attack correct?
you could reverse the entire first bar of the breakdown (depending on how you are mixing it). and put it right before the breakdown.

also, you could hp the reversed element and blend it with some other "vacuum" effect.

another way to MAKE the breakdown is to slow it down (tempo change) about 3 BPM slower than the rest of the song... it adds drama! :)
I reverse the sound of a broken glas and fade it in just before the breakdown starts. Then pan it from left to right.
Right before the breakdown starts it mutes and then I put a subdrop and an explosion (mostly with the glass breaking sound) on the first kick.
Loud 'verby snare crack over the original snare, similar to the glass shattering thing. The shotgun blast from the original DOOM was pretty cool on one song I made a while back.
Also, I wish would people spend more time on pre-production and songwriting instead of putting in stupid production gimmicks like this. The average metal record sounds like a fucking Black Eyed Peas one.