Breaking News From Bloodstock...No Hammerfall :o(



It is with regret that for the first time in 3 years we are having to make a change with one of the major acts HAMMERFALL. This is unfortunately beyond our control, as Oscar Dronjak has sustained a multiple fracture in his arm as a result of a motorbike accident 2 days ago. We wish him a speedy recovery, however we will most certainly invite HAMMERFALL back in 2004.

The most worthy replacement will be EDGUY from Germany, who last played the UK on one occasion with Gamma Ray a couple of years ago.

Pity about Hammerfall, I too wish Oscar a full and speedy recovery. But Wahooooo..EdGuy as replacements...that's really cool!!! I spoke to Jens one of the EdGuy guitarists about Bloodstock back in March, and he said that they would love to do it! But obviously nothing came of it until now. So yes this will be cool :D
I have to say I am relieved because I can't make Bloodstock this year and Hammerfall were the only band I really really really wanted to see! Selfish...aren't I? :p

I will be there next year for sure! :)
No offence to Hammerfall fans....but Edguy is INFINITELY better!

It's gotta be great also for Power Quest to be on the same billing as one of their major influences!
I wish I was going Bloodstock :D I'd've loved to have seen Hammerfall, and Edguy in this case ^_^
Yep...have to agree with most people here.... I would rather see Edguy than Hammerfall...and I really like that gives you a clue as to how much I like Edguy!! :D Get your hands on a copy of Burning Down The Opera, if you haven't already, as preparation!! It rocks!!!
I totally agree about BDTO, it's probably the best live album since "Live After Dark" But that's not surprising as Tobias Sammett is a huge Maiden fan!! And it is nearly a "pure" live album in that they didn't do many overdubs in the studio, unlike some bands!! And they overdubs they did do were mainly for Tobias' vocal parts :tickled: