Rhonda the ol sig line says,,,youre like 99 percent of the internet toughguys...just one keystroke away from a complete smackdown.
At least her streak is still alive. 8 posts to date. 8 posts that suck.
I remember when I was new...I got smacked around a bit too.
i read wayyy more than i post.

it takes me too long to formalize my repsonse to some of the deeper conversations and still have a strong thought out process to it all.
I wish I had your restraint. I tend to fire off responses quickly. Yes, sometimes without thinking. . .

I hate Bush so much. He's the most incompetent person who ever took office.

He may not go down as the worst president......I believe he will be remembered mostly for his inability to articulate anything........and his ability to laugh in the face of failure.......and if thats your real picture then your pretty hot....
So, remind me again, just how was Clinton or Kennedy worse than this glorified ranch hand? I don't know shit about Taft, so I'll take your word on it. :lol:

Clinton was fairly recent, so if you dont how bad he was, then you probably shouldnt be commenting on Bush or any other president. you've got some learning to do.
I didn't vote for bush either time.

in our squadron we had just 1 photo of Clinton. 1.

i just know he made a lot of use out of our squadron during the balkan mess and a few other predecessors to 9/11.

my problem is this. Politicians in general are self serving ass clowns, how do we change the system to accomplish what really needs to be done ?

If i remember reading right NH's state legislature gets paid 100 bucks for their entire session.

and you don't see congress really making an effort to clean up or cut their porky perks now do ya ?

i mean you get to vote yourself a raise no matter how bad youre doing,,,what kind of job offers that perk ?

information may be the power to uncover all the evil, but using that knowledge and making the difference, thats where i'm stuck.
Ian-Very good post. I totally agree.
Sue, to some people. Bill Clinton is god and should never be criticized.
Ian-Very good post. I totally agree.
Sue, to some people. Bill Clinton is god and should never be criticized.

of course... selling US security secrets to the Communist Chinese, short-changing our military, making deals with terrorists [what DID those papers Sandy Burglar stuffed down his pants reveal??] and throwing open the prison doors for those who could afford big money contributions to Hillary's senate campaign fund automatically makes him a leftist nutjob's dream president.
Clinton was fairly recent, so if you dont how bad he was, then you probably shouldnt be commenting on Bush or any other president. you've got some learning to do.

I was asking Billy, I already know what talking points you are gonna serve me. I remember Clinton quite well, dear. I had no complaints during the time. I felt safe in my own country, my friends weren't being shipped off to get slaughtered in a bullshit war, I was making good money... hmmmm, sounds good to me.
I was asking Billy, I already know what talking points you are gonna serve me. I remember Clinton quite well, dear. I had no complaints during the time. I felt safe in my own country, my friends weren't being shipped off to get slaughtered in a bullshit war, I was making good money... hmmmm, sounds good to me.

You don't feel safe in America? Explain.
You also aren't making as much money? Why is that?
I was asking Billy, I already know what talking points you are gonna serve me. I remember Clinton quite well, dear. I had no complaints during the time. I felt safe in my own country, my friends weren't being shipped off to get slaughtered in a bullshit war, I was making good money... hmmmm, sounds good to me.

but dont we need 'talking points'? isnt that where debate starts? if nobody brought up 'talking points,' what would be the point of a discussion board, at all?

just a thought.
The economy was kicking ass when Clinton was president.....Now that probably has nothing to do with anything he did, but what ever he did did'nt stop it from happening.....
The economy was kicking ass when Clinton was president.....Now that probably has nothing to do with anything he did, but what ever he did did'nt stop it from happening.....

My opinion about the Clinton economy:

Right place at the right time..He was president when a HUGE technology advance went mainstream--the internet. Because of the internet small business was able to expand almost global proportions, big business expanded reach, via this technology business was able to reach placesa and people that prior to the net seemed impossible, etc. The tech bubble also started to burst during Clinton as well. Also, the financial decisions that a President makes during his term usually isnt truly felt for years after the term is over