Brembo Resto and Brake Fluid Questions


New Metal Member
Oct 1, 2021
Thanks for all the new posts, lots of great info provided. I have settled on going ahead and doing the caliper rebuild per a lot of the recommendations here. Watched some YouTube videos on the paint reconditioning and it looks to add very little time to the process, +/- $50 per corner, a lot of peace of mind, and probably a cleaner repaint/masking opportunity. I really have the opportunity to take my time with this - the car isn't going anywhere till spring. What does everyone recommend to seal off the lines and prevent leakage while all four calipers are off the car? I worry if a clamp on the rubber line for long time is a bad idea? The lines are still soft and pliable. Would a cap for the threaded end fitting be better? Does anyone know off hand what that exact fitting size is?
Nox Vidmate VLC
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