Bret Michaels' condition critical from brain bleed

Very sad to hear.

Here's a comment that I lifted from Blabbermouth to show the seriousness of this:

COMMENT | My brother had a similar brain hemorrhage
posted by : RiotAct66
4/25/2010 10:30:54 AM

4 days after this past Christmas.

4 months later, he still cannot walk on his own and his memory is very spotty. Also still does not make sense 50% of the time.

Even if he makes it through, Bret Michaels has a rough road ahead of him......
"My momma always tol' me, 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all'"

My thoughts are with Brett. I'm certainly not a Poison fan, but I've always respected the man's ability to sing and write some killer songs. As someone said, he's got a rough row to hoe ahead, at best.
I'm not a fan either, but I wish him the best. I hope he recovers completely! Sad situation! :(