BRETT WALKER & LINE OF FIRE appearing at Melodic Rock Fest 3


Record Label(s)/Vocalist
Sep 12, 2007

Cool line-up!!

I also see that a band from my frostbitten neck of the woods is appearing on day three :D That'd be Coldspell. The big bro of one of my best friends is the guitarist (Micke Larsson). Amazing guitarist! He helped me get my first taste of hanging with the stars when I was young haha. He was playing a small show at a fair with the drummer from Europe (Ian Haugland) and a bunch of well-known Swedish singers (that none of you know about) including Håkan Hemlin of a band called Nordman and Jan Johansen (famous AOR/pop singer). Anyways, they did all kinds of heavy metal covers and after we got to hang at the backstage bar with these Swedish mega-celebs all night long. It was one hell of a party! :kickass:

He had a cool AOR band called R.A.W. back in the 90's btw with some guys from Dalton (anyone know that band outside Sweden?). Pretty good stuff I must say.